Over a Decade in, Have Cicerones Actually Made Beer Pairings Relevant?
“The Cicerone program has certainly been valuable. But the future of beer and food pairing is not Cicerones. It’s not competing with wine, either. It’s being wine.” True some of the time, I agree, but there are other times — say when you are in a crowded bar watching Spain versus Portugal with a bunch of people you didn’t know when the match started — you just want beer to be beer.
It Was Then That I Carried You — A Defense of Distribution.
Reality check. “Own premise” means nothing to most people. If they are drinking local beer it is because they bought it at the grocery story or a similar outlet. “The economic impact of breweries on their local communities is massive, which means ceding wholesale to the unimaginably large conglomerate breweries is limiting the benefits of local breweries.”