This is stupid. Simply stupid. No expletive needed.
10 Best Beer Investments For Your Cellar
Even aside from suggesting you cellar Pliny the Younger.
Look at Michael Jackson’s list of the 42 best beers in the world in 1982.
One thing they share in common is that if you showed up where they were brewed you could drink a pint, half liter, whatever.
That’s what you do with beer.
Shouldn’t that be a New Beer Rule?
Apart from the stupidity of suggesting a beer like PtY, which Russian River has worked hard to prevent being sold on the spooge market, and beer in cans, the guy is simply legitimising the vile secondary market in rarez.
I’ll echo the sentiment toward the secondary market and agree entirely that beer is meant for drinking. I think that article wouldn’t have incited so much vitriol among us beer geeks had it been about cellaring beers with the intention of, you know, actually drinking them on down the road.
Then we have this bit of news about TheStreet (where the story ran):
I guess the cellaring story was also aimed at an elite audience.
Is “elite” a synonym for privileged? How about pretentious?
When I think of “elite,” I usually think of well-trained experts in their fields, individuals who would not stoop to using the term to refer to themselves.
I couldn’t get past the first page. Awful, awful thing.
That’s what we need, people with lots of money buying up beers.