Session #90 roundup: Gloves come off (again)

The SessionIt took Jake Scholan more than a while to get around to posting the roundup for The Session #90: Beer Flight Club, and he explains why. When I pointed to the original announcement I suggested that the premise was that the gloves would come off. They did once again for the roundup.

There is a plethora of overwhelming banality. When flooded with it, it becomes too much. Too many poorly written posts. Too many posts that just tell you things instead of showing you. Too much of everything I’ve been complaining about, and not doing anything to fix.

I got about halfway through the posts, I closed my laptop and walked away.

I don’t know where I’m going, what I’m going to do, or anything of the sort. But dammit, bloggers, you need to step your games up.

OK, that’s not all that friendly. That doesn’t it isn’t worth reading. If you have some time to kill I suggest this combination:

The roundup. (Granted my eyes are old, but at this point you’ll need a break from the white type on black background — or do what I do, and put it in Pocket to read.)

– Alan McLeod’s contribution to The Session #90. And consider spending $2.99 for The Unbearable Nonsense of Craft Beer – A Rant in Nine Acts.

HB’s post, which makes it much more clear, than the announcement, what he had in mind.

Now I’ll return to deciding which links to suggest you read tomorrow. They won’t be beer reviews, so maybe HB has a point.

2 thoughts on “Session #90 roundup: Gloves come off (again)”

  1. So, he’s upset with folks for not doing what he didn’t know how to ask them to do? I mean, I’m assuming he’s writing about himself in your first quoted paragraph, but I don’t get why he attacks others for what he isn’t doing himself.

    There’s an awful lot of blogger/beer writer reflection on what one should do/should not do which he seems to have never read, which makes me wonder how he can have read entry after entry of insipid, cheerleading, non-interesting writing, yet missed entry after entry of “why do we do this? and why should we do this?”

    Finally, I’m sick of folks thinking they should get a pass for treating people poorly because they’re on the internet if they think they’re serving a greater good. “I’m edgy and swear a lot and call people names, but my heart is pure, so deal with it.” No. No, I won’t. Grow up and remember what your parents and teachers taught you.

  2. I, for one, am relieved that he didn’t like my piece enough to even mention it. If someone with that much anger and a horrible taste in blog name enjoyed it, I would have needed to re-think my life and writing.

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