DWI program includes ride home from brewery

Rio Rancho signHere’s a bit of forward thinking from an administrator in the county where I pay property taxes:

“If we are doing (DWI) roadblocks, we have to help people get home safely, too.”

And Diane Irwin, administrator of the Sandoval County DWI and Prevention Programs, is putting my tax dollars (and others’) where her mouth is.

Turtle Mountain Brewing in Rio Rancho has already been providing buses to New Mexico Scorpions hockey games, also in Rio Rancho.

The county’s DWI program will begin offering free rides home throughout Sandoval County to brewery patrons who might have consumed too much alcohol at the game or at the brewery, Irwin told the Albuquerque Journal (subscription required).

The county will test the program through Jan. 5. Rides will be available from 10 p.m. to midnight, when the brewery closes.

“We are working together to make sure people get home safely from the (Scorpions) events,” Irwin said. The DWI program has five volunteers, including Sandoval County commissioner David Bency, who will be driving people home.

If all goes well, program officials will meet with other bars and breweries in Rio Rancho and see how they can collaborate, she said.

It won’t mean fewer roadblocks, which at times can seem like a nuisance, but it makes me feel more positive about the DWI program.

(The photo at the top was taken several years ago – it has since been updated, mostly to reflect the rising cost of a DWI. It’s located only a few blocks east of Turtle Mountain.)

Does light (lite) beer have to suck?

Miller Brewing plans to test market three “craft-style” beers lower in calories and carbohydrates than beers described as “craft.”

The Miller Lite Brewers Collection, &#151 a blonde ale, an amber and a wheat &#151 will begin testing in February in Baltimore, Charlotte, Minneapolis and San Diego.

Jack Curtin doesn’t think much of the idea.

If you been slowly accepting the delusion that the Biggies had gotten the point, Miller comes through with the evidence to the contrary.

“Craft-style” beer. I love it.

I understand Jack’s point, but I was already wondering why so many beer drinkers assume that “light” and “full flavored” are exclusive. I started thinking about this last weekend when a former Pabst brewer explained to me how, when light beer was pretty new, they came up with a time-consuming process in order to lower calories but maintain the alcohol level (and thus flavor).

Full-calorie beers (Budweiser, Miller High Life, Pabst) have been squeezed what seems to be forever by specialty beers (imports and “craft”) on one side and low-calorie beers on the other. Perhaps strategists at Miller looked at this and thought, “ahha.” Brew Blog explains:

Miller Lite Brewers Collection is aimed at mainstream light beer drinkers and capitalizes on three beer industry trends: the growth of light beer; the growing popularity of craft beer; and consumers’ growing willingness to pay more for products that deliver a unique or better experience.

I understand that you are skeptical about Miller delivering a better experience. I’m reserving judgment myself, but it surely is possible.

Amber? Think of British bitters, less than 4% abv and full of flavor. Of course, they’re best on cask, something more easily done in a brewpub than an airport bar. And better bottle conditioned (unfiltered and unpasteurized), which probably isn’t part of Miller’s plan.

Blonde? Since Miller is spelling it with an “e” consider Chimay Doree from the French speaking part of Belgian. I figure the 4.6% beer brewed for the monks themselves has about 130 calories (just a little more than Samuel Adams light).

Wheat? How about a Berliner Weiss?

Nope, light beer doesn’t have to suck.

Top-selling craft beers revisited

In October I dug up a list of the best-selling “craft” beers in the country, according to Information Resources Inc. (the details). Now Brew Blog has the Nielsen numbers for the 13 weeks ending Dec. 1.

I thought it would be fun to compare them. The IRI figures are compiled for the Brewers Association, so don’t list brands such as Coors’ Blue Moon and Leinenkugel as “craft.” I inserted Blue Moon in my October list, but left out Leinekugel Sunset Wheat (now included).

Nielsen describes its numbers as “supermarket sales” while supermarkets dominate the IRI sample, although its figures include some drugstores and convenience stores.

Nonetheless pretty similar numbers. You can decide what they mean.

Although the current Samuel Adams seasonal is Winter Lager, the seasonal for most of the Nielsen period was Oktoberfest. I’m guessing the Winter Sampler packs are counted under variety packs. The Blue Moon seasonal would have been its Pumpkin Ale, now replaced by Full Moon Winter Ale, described on the label as an “abbey ale.”

1 Samuel Adams seasonal
2 Blue Moon Belgian White
3 Samuel Adams Boston Lager
4 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
5 Samuel Adams Light
6 New Belgium Fat Tire
7 Shiner Bock
8 Samuel Adams variety packs
9 Widmer Brothers Hefeweizen
10 Blue Moon seasonal
11 Red Hook ESB
12 Redhook Ballard Bitter IPA
13 Leinenkugel Sunset Wheat
14 Pyramid Hefeweizen
15 Leinenkugel seasonal
16 Deschutes Mirror Pond Pale
17 Leinenkugel Honey Weiss
18 Leinenkugel
19 Alaskan Amber
20 Deschutes Black Butte Porter
1 Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
2 Samuel Adams Boston Lager
3 Blue Moon White
4 Samuel Adams seasonal
5 New Belgium Fat Tire
6 Samuel Adams Light
7 Shiner Bock
8 Widmer Hefeweizen
9 Samuel Adams variety packs
10 Redhook ESB
11 Pyramid Hefeweizen
12 Deschutes Mirror Pond Pale
13 Redhook IPA
14 Leinekugel Sunset Wheat
15 Alaskan Amber

Mephistopheles – A non-review


Château Petrogasm uses “colors, sketches, photography, and other visual media in order to convey both the intrinsic components of a particular wine along with a general impression of it. ” In other words, pictures instead of words.

That hardly seems necessary for the latest release of Mephistopheles’ Stout from Avery Brewing in Colorado.

A closeup from the label gives you a good idea of what’s inside. It also might traumatize young children and probably belongs in the Christmas Photo Contest.

I haven’t had the latest incarnation, Batch #3, but it checks in at 16% abv.