Don’t Save the Planet for the Planet. Do It for the Beer.
Beer is an agricultural product. This is a story about barley — and be warned, much of it about what A-B InBev is up to. But there’s a similar story to be told about hops. Dr. Eric Snodgrass, director of undergraduate studies for the department of atmospheric sciences at the University of Illinois, talked about all things weather last month at the American Hop Convention. Growers and brewers in attendance walked away realizing that turbulent changes in weather that have affected hop production are not an anomaly. Drought and heat have devastated the crop in Germany and the Czech Republic two of the last three years. The Czech harvest of 4,200 metric tons in 2018 compared to 6,800 in 2017 has been labeled “catastrophic.” Farmers in the American Northwest have avoided similar results because they irrigate their fields. But drought and extreme heat will continue to threaten crops every year. Beer is an agricultural product.
We’ve Created a Monster — What Does it Mean to Talk Flagship Fatigue?
You guys are overthinking this.
I could have lumped the links that follow together, added more, and commented it depends where you are looking from and what direction you are looking in. Jeff Alworth used Conan O’Brien’s “tour” of the Samuel Adams pilot brewery (which has more than a million views on YouTube) to make that point about the “beer world’s insularity.”