Where in the beer world? 05.02.11

Where in the beer world?

Think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

Please leave your answer as a comment.

7 thoughts on “Where in the beer world? 05.02.11”

  1. Easy! Thats Sierra Nevada, you’re standing below one of the many modified tanks for running the Torpedos..



  2. I can’t quite tell but those look like the old Torpedos, maybe not.. I think that’s cellar 3? Beautiful aren’t they?


  3. Have to make it tougher next week, or at least some place Chad hasn’t been. Yes, those are Torpedoes, in this case attached to 800-barrel fermentation tanks retrofitted to accommodate the Torpedoes.

    And, David, the piping does bring back memories of New Glarus.

  4. Great shot.. especially as they are usually super secretive of what’s going.. but you just have the know the right people.. right Stan?

    You can see in the photo the retro fitted pipe that they welded in and tuns up the inside.. Used to send the beer back up the fermenter and recirc to grab the hop aromas and flavors cold side.. get a little shot of the machine that runs it all too?

    Did you go into the hop bailling room..nice and cold with so many varieties of whole cone hops being broken up..

    By far the most beautiful brewery I’ve visited! And technically sound too!

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