Where in the beer world? 04.22.2013

Where in the beer world?

Think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

As always, please leave your answer as a comment.

4 thoughts on “Where in the beer world? 04.22.2013”

  1. The photo was taken at Hoosier Hops Farm, pretty much in Indianapolis.

    Here’s a story from the Indianapolis Business Journal.

    Here’s an aerial map that makes it clear the four-acre farm is in the middle of a neighborhood.

    I’ve written before about the challenges – like “Can this possibly work?” – those outside the dominant hop growing regions that have emerged face in trying to grow hops for local use. But that doesn’t mean I’m not rooting for them.

    Matt Crankshaw and Justin Kratoska clearly understand what they are up against. They are not making some pie-in-the-sky predictions, just seeing what grows, working on the logistics of what could lie ahead (kilning, processing, packaging). And, thank goodness, having fun.

    Matt was shoveling compost when I got there Saturday. It was 38 degrees.

    First thing he said when we met?

    “Beautiful day, isn’t it?”

  2. The potential for new, weird hop varieties and flavors could be tremendous for the craft beer. That would really give a sense of “place” to beer most breweries don’t have, since they mostly just use all the same hops, yeast, and grain from the same places.

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