Where in the beer world? 02.01.14

Where in the beer world?

Think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

As always, please leave your answer as a comment.

8 thoughts on “Where in the beer world? 02.01.14”

    • I will be more specific when I provide the answer, but for right now – no, it was not taken in Michigan.

    • Well done, Ed. The plot is only two tenths of an acre and Dan Carey said they hadn’t decided what variety to grow, but there should be bines growing by summer.

  1. Stan — Have Dan & Deb planted near the old brewery? I haven’t been up there in a couple years, but that picture doesn’t look like it has the same (beautiful) view as the new brewery.

    • The yard is at the base of the hill, where visitors turn to drive up the the brewery. On the other side of the road for the red barn that doubles as a water treatment plant.

      • Okay, I can picture that now.

        I wonder if the occupancy of the New Glarus Woods State Park campgrounds has grown since the brewery moved… across the street. 😉

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