These are all fine discussions:
– Last time I looked “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?*” had drawn 82 comments.
– Jeff Alworth posts the question “Is this craft beer?”
– And Alan McLeod follows up with “It’s The End Of Craft Beer As We Know It…”
Interesting ideas. But right now I’m thinking “beer” is a pretty good word all by itself.
“But right now I’m thinking “beer” is a pretty good word all by itself.”
I’ll drink to that… sometime around 18:00 CDST, anyway!
I think I am agreeing with you, Stan. It’s a bit like the Berlin Wall falling all of a sudden where the division between craft and macro, cask and keg, etc have been proven by Jeff’s simple experiment to be utterly meaningless.
The same thing proceeded Einstein, you know. In the late 1800s there were many experiments being done to prove the existence of ether as the conduit for light and, therefore, a basis for the known physical world:
Once proved to be unnecessary, it disappeared as a topic of serious discussion. Which means your last sentence should start with a “So” rather than the “But”!
I’ve noticed beer fans have a tendency to be label-centric. Whether those labels come in the form of beer “styles,” or as descriptions for how beer is made or served. There seems to be a lot of justification that “my” beer is better because it’s within style, or craft or cask. Beer is an amazing blend of art and science, but when one begins to outweigh the other, the trouble starts. It’s irrelevant if your beer is in style, or real, or craft. If it’s good, it’s good.