Rob has posted the roundup for The Session #17, organizing the 28 posts into three categories: “those who thought the question was bollocks, those who thought the question was bollocks but figured cracking open a stout would appease the Session gods, and those who humored me by admitting a certain fondness for the unorthodox beer out of season.”
Not long until The Session #18, and Ray has picked “Happy Anniversary” as the topic.
Use this as an excuse to celebrate. Open a limited release anniversary beer from your favorite brewer. Enjoy that special beer you normally only open on your wedding anniversary or birthday. Either way, tell us about it. Why is it a beer you may only drink once a year? Why is that brewery’s annual release the one you selected?
All bloggers are welcome to join us. It’s easy. Post to the theme Aug. 1, then send Ray a note.
Great topic. One about beer. Excellent.