I’m not sure what I had in the way for expectations related to Craft Writing: Beer, The Digital, and Craft Culture, but they were in any event exceeded this weekend in Kentucky. More about that Wednesday. Spoiler alert: Some really excellent beer being brewed in Kentucky. So on to a few links …
– Bottle fight: Novelty v classic wines. Full confession, I crossed out the word “wines” to make it clear you could insert “beers.” From Jancis Robinson, “The desire for ever more obscure ferments seems to have also taken hold across the Atlantic. Experienced restaurant-going friends just back from southern California reported recently that they didn’t recognise anything on the wine lists of the smartest establishments.” Or as Teri Fahrendorf said Saturday at Craft Writing (more from there in a couple of days), the highest rated beers are the ones with the most alcohol, the most hops and “the ones nobody can get.” Reminding me of a T-shirt spotted at a beer festival a while back, “I listen to bands that don’t even exist yet.” [via Financial Times]
– CAMRA and the future. Trust me, you want to read any blog post that begins, “Tim Webb has set the cat among the pigeons.” [via Tandleman’s Beer Blog]
– Craft beer business bubbles up in South Florida. Wherever Evan Benn goes, it seems, craft breweries follow. [via Miami Herald]
– Shaun Hill. Your weekly Shaun Hill and Hill Farmstead Brewery fix. [Via Classic Kicks]
– We drank beer concentrate so you don’t have to. Hey, I’d take this review from Gizmodo over the average Consumer Reports analysis anytime. [via Gizmodo]