7 Paths to Development That Bring Neighborhoods Wealth, Not Gentrification.
Think about this in the context of breweries and beer drinking establishments. Or don’t. Either way, it is important. [Via Yes!, h/T Roger Baylor]
Do People Realise Breweries Have Gone?
Boak & Bailey accurately conclude, “Hardcore beer geeks like us obsess over details of ownership and history but, barring the odd scandal, most people don’t, just as we don’t keep tabs on who owns which car firms these days, or which chocolate bar brands.” And that’s OK. But where beer and community intersect both may benefit. [Via Boak & Bailey’s Beer Blog]
Back in black: living beer heritage in the West Midlands.
“As the US-inspired craft beer revolution sweeps the old beer countries of Europe, I’ve found myself hoping again and again that beer drinkers and brewers will come to appreciate both worlds and everything in between, recognising the threads that, despite appearances, link them together. Indeed if it hadn’t been for the Bathams and many other old-established European brewers sticking to styles and methods that well merit the label ‘craft’, we would likely not be enjoying the current abundance.” Related, I think, to both the previous posts. [Via Beer Culture]
How pot and hippie beer explain the future of the American economy.
[Via The Washington Post]
Best-selling business advice from a BrewDog.
[Via Zythophile]
Will craft brewers ever make ads as good as their beer?
[Via Hey Beer Dan]
Yes, The Future of Craft Beer Is In Question. Don’t Panic.
[Via Paste]
New wine film ‘Somm: Into the Bottle’ is ambitious, dangerously selective.
[Via SF Gate]
What It Takes to Be a Master Sommelier.
[Via The New Yorker]
So where are the TV shows and movies about Cicerones?
Why Do Most Languages Have So Few Words for Smells?
[Via The Atlantic]
Why does wine smell?
[Via Palate Press]