The Beer Babe has posted the wrap up for The Session #43.
So it must be time to announce the topic for The Session #44 on Oct. 1.
Ashley Routson of Drink With The Wench titles it “Frankenstein Beers,” and offers some explanation.
Many craft brewers are like Frankenstein. They have become mad scientists obsessed with defying the laws of brewing and creating beers that transcend style guidelines. These “Frankenstein Beers” challenge the way people perceive beer. They are freaks of nature — big, bold and intense. The ingredients resemble those of a beer and the brewing process might appear to be normal, but some aspects of the entire experience are experimental, unorthodox and insane.
So . . .
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write a blog post on “Frankenstein Beers.” There are no rules about how to write about this topic — feel free to highlight a Frankenstein brewer, brewery, beer tasting notes . . . or just your opinions on the concept.
To take it to the next level perhaps a “Frankenstein beer” created on a “Frankenbrew system.”
Excited about “hosting” this month’s session. I hope that my topic is creative enough for people to have a lot of fun with! Excited to see what people write about!
The Beer Wench