Brian Yaeger has posted the roundup for The Session #28. Since Brian asked for it he got a nice collection of beers from far away, far away being subjective, of course.
Several first time Session participant go make them feel welcome by leaving a comment while some “regulars” turned up missing. I think, and I’m not making this up, it may have been because they were traveling.
I was on the road Friday evening but I also had a bit of a hard time with the question. Both locating the brewing production centre furthest from home that I have visited and then stating my favorite beer had there is a double test that I honestly can’t say I have kept a note on. But maybe I can come up with something not too grouchy.
Appropriate that a Session about beer trips garnered a guilt trip. Thanks for nudging Alan. I responded to his issues on his post.
Fitting that there should be a story in the LA Times about a beer road trip a couple days ago.
I responded, too. But what is this about being dissuaded from having Session posts about home brewing. I would think that this was exactly the sort of topic that would fit perfectly.
Ha, talk to Jay. Something about homebrewing not being as prevalent in other countries (we had 2 or 3 beer bloggers from beyond our borders). So if I wasn’t going to do beer brewed at home, I went the polar opposite and did beer brewed as far from home. Talk about diversity.