Beerme (Mike) at Beer and Firkins has posted the roundup for The Session #23, a round of looking back and forward.
And February host David Turley has picked what some of us would consider a romantic theme for #24: “A Tripel for Two.”
If you have a beer or beer-related blog, it’s easy to participate in The Session. Pick a Belgian-style Tripel to review. Tell us why it’s your pick to share with that special someone. Be sure to include a review of the beer so that others might be inspired to choose that beer for a special moment. Bonus points if the person with whom you are sharing the beer includes their review as well.
The date is Feb. 6.
Now the shameless plug. If you want to learn more about tripels you’ve got time to order and read “Brew Like a Monk.” My wife, daughter and 16 customers think it is pretty good.
A great book for anyone interested in the abbey styles (to drink and brew). I haven’t read the other two in the series yet, but plan on doing so eventually…