Monday beer reading: Whales, haters & a tap list from hell

Before getting to posts mostly from the past week, a link from earlier in April, followed by a story from 2020.

The timing for “Have We Hunted the Beer Whale to Extinction?” could have been better, since Russian River Brewing is one of the breweries mentioned at the outset. The story April 17, not long after Russian River wrapped up the annual 14-day Pliny the Younger celebration. Here’s a typical daily report from Instagram:

“Day 7 Pliny the Younger has been another incredible day with a big turnout at both breweries and mostly nice weather! Wait times holding steady at 3-4 hours in Windsor and 2.5-3 hours in Santa Rosa. Running out of bottles most nights and sometimes draft, too!”

Yes, things have changed since 2017 or 2020, but it seems people — hunting something other than whales — will still wait in line for an experience . . . and the line may be part of the experience.

Speaking of which, the Punch story begins describing a line at Other Half Brewing on Feb. 8, 2020, about six weeks before taprooms across New York City shutdown at the start of the pandemic. That was the day after, as reported by the New York Post, a “craft beer hater” and White Claw lover had pulled a gun on “hop hipsters” standing in that same line.

“The guy was telling us we were a bunch of idiots waiting online for beer.”

Related, it would seem, there is this: David Bailey’s cartoon at Pellicle.


On Thursday, Alan McLeod pointed to dispatches from the Craft Brewers Conference in Las Vegas (that’s Sphere above, the best thing about being in that soul-less city, other than the conference). So start there and also listen to the VinePair podcast, “Is Craft Beer’s Optimistic Tone Defensible or Delusional?”

I spent most of my time in the trade show, which included 750 vendors, primarily talking to people in the hops business. Of course, those on hand to talk about products new or old are duty bound to sound enthusiastic. But many were honest about how supply and demand are out of balance. For instance, “It’s not that we are doing a booming business, but we’re not losing business.”

In aggregate, Brewers Association members sold less beer in 2023 than 2022, but 44 percent sold more beer. Many others sold about the same amount of beer. Some breweries have business plans that don’t require ongoing growth. One size does not fit all. And sometimes is is realistic to be optimistic.

Twenty years ago, I wrote a story for The New Brewer about what brewers could learn from of “Trading Up: The New American Luxury” by Michael Silverstein and Neil Fiske. One of the premises of the book is that consumer spending is polarizing. In order to trade up in a category she really cares about, an avid cyclists might save money by trading down in some that don’t matter to her — such as her brand of toothpaste or beer. The authors labeled such consumers “rocketers.”

I asked Silverstein how brewers, as a group, could identify and group of rocketers and tap into their interests.

“In my opinion, it has never worked where an industry has banded together to make a premium product work,” he said (my emphasis). “Usually, it is an inventors or two with drive, energy, charisma, dedicated followers, who make it happen in a big where. That’s where you see the excitement and energy.”

Perhaps that answer provides perspective.


“What is the distance between the scent of a rose and the odour of camphor? Are floral smells perpendicular to smoky ones? Is the geometry of ‘odour space’ Euclidean, following the rules about lines, shapes and angles that decorate countless high-school chalkboards? To many, these will seem like either unserious questions or, less charitably, meaningless ones. Geometry is logic made visible, after all; the business of drawing unassailable conclusions from clearly stated axioms. And odour is, let’s be honest, a bit too vague and vaporous for any of that. The folksy idea of smell as the blunted and structureless sense is at least as old as Plato, and I have to confess that, even as an olfactory researcher, I sometimes feel like I’m studying the Pluto of the sensory systems – a shadowy, out-there iceball on a weird orbit.”

— From “How to Make a Map of Smell”


“The marketplace has pretty unanimously decided that it doesn’t need more variety.”

Zack Kinney, a founder of Kings County Brewers Collective (KCBC), in “The New Economics of Craft Beer”


I agree when Jeff Alworth states that writing books is no way to making a living. I would not be comfortably retired if I relied on book writing income. However, it took only a week until a post at Slate, appropriately titled, “Yes, People Still Buy Books,” enumerated what a viral Substack post, “No one buys books,” got wrong.


How a Beer Baron’s House Became a Dynamic Washington, D.C., Museum.

The danger of being a quite good brewery.

Long Live the Sorcery — Brujos Brewing.

Will the real Olympia Brewing Co. whistle please stand up?

Beer as cars.

Gayle Benson’s New Orleans brewing dream fades as Faubourg plant goes up for auction.


The post that made me smile the most while the lights were turned off here.

I’m the Draft List at This Brewery and No, You Can’t Have a Light Beer

“Sure, we made a ‘normal’ IPA once. But then we were like, why make a beer that’s enjoyable to drink when we could make a beer that’s not? So now we’re brewin’ with the craziest shit, dude, for real. I’m talkin’ ice cream sandwiches, In-N-Out cheeseburgers, grandma’s rigatoni. If it sounds like a mistake, we’re brewin’ it and we’re callin’ it something like, ‘I Bet You’ve Never Seen a Penguin Drive a Sportscar.'”

Monday beer reading: science and not science

Administrative note: See you in May. An eclipse, the Craft Brewers Conference and the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival will have us otherwise occupied this month.


There is some heavy duty science in “Predicting and improving complex beer flavor through machine learning.” You might prefer one of many summaries posted last week, such as “Scientists turn to AI to make beer taste even better,” but you’ll be missing plenty of fun details.

I remain skeptical about AI beer recipes, but the information that Kevin Verstrepen’s laboratory at the University of Leuven shares could also be put to good use by humans.

Consider this: “Both approaches identified ethyl acetate as the most predictive parameter for beer appreciation. Ethyl acetate is the most abundant ester in beer with a typical ‘fruity’, ‘solvent’ and ‘alcoholic’ flavor, but is often considered less important than other esters like isoamyl acetate. The second most important parameter identified by SHAP is ethanol, the most abundant beer compound after water.”

Ah, yes. alcohol.

So plenty to read in the Nature Communications article, and a lot of sexy charts. Even more in the lab’s book, “Belgian Beer: Tasted and Tested” (Image below is from the book.) However, because it appears to me the database is drawn from that book, it seems that needs to be a lot bigger.

Saison Dupont visualized



Beer naturally

“Beer at its best is a reflection of a golden field of barley, a reminder of the rich aroma of a hop garden. Scientists can argue endlessly about the merits of the man-made concoctions which go into much of today’s beer but the proof of the pint is in the drinking. . . . the best of British beer is produced from the gifts that nature gave us and by methods which have been proudly handed down over the centuries. The story of beer is a story of nature and of craftsmanship; a story of farmers and brewers who join forces to create beer naturally.”

The quote, and the photo above, come from “Beer naturally,” called out in Real Ale as Folk Horror. I love the photos in that book so much I had forgotten there are also words.



In 1873, the manager of an ironworks in Söderfors, Sweden, was about to retire. When handing his responsibilities over to the next manager, he worried about one issue in particular: the future of a beer barrel.

This was not just any barrel, he explained in the letter to his successor. This was a barrel he had been given by the previous manager when he himself took over the ironworks half a century before, in 1820. In fact, he wrote, the barrel still contained beer from when it was first filled—in 1794.

What the retiring manager wanted was for his successor to continue taking care of this barrel. To do so, every other year, he needed to pull off half the barrel’s contents for drinking, then brew new beer to refill the barrel, and “well maintain it.”

Those three words were underlined in the letter, just to make it clear how strongly he felt about it. His desire was for this 79-year-old barrel to be passed on to coming managers of the ironworks “from each to each, into the remotest future.”

How far the manager got his wish is not known, but in 1952 the barrel—by then more than 150 years old—was still being maintained in Söderfors.

From Hundraårig Öl: A Hundred Years (or More) in the Making.



Cask Ale in the North, South, and Very Far West

Seen today in Preston. I think we can all agree with this.

— John Clarke (@Beer4John) March 30, 2024



Look out for those sneaky strong German beers. Strong in this case may mean 5.2% ABV beers. Wait until 2026, when the United States hosts the World Cup and those British drinkers encounter Double IPAs and pastry stouts.

After 15 Years Upright Brewing still grooving and improvising to their own tempo. Upright Brewing founder Alex Ganum is a treat. And this true story about how he found the space for his brewery in Portland, Oregon, still seems hard to believe. “I was at Amnesia Brewing on Mississippi having a beer with a buddy and he said, ‘have you found a space for the brewery yet?’ I said no, and a woman was sitting at the table next to us who worked with the owner of the [Leftbank Building]. She overheard us and said, ‘oh you’re looking for a spot for the brewery? I work with this guy who is renovating this building,’”

Pizzeria Paradiso Reconsidered. An OG.

Monday beer reading & the formerly hip beverage known as IPA

Mikkeller 1000 IBU beer (sure!)

Remember Mikkeller 1000 IBU? (circa 2010)?



“This is the formula. Mix activity with alcohol, and the people will come.”

From At Stock Market Bar Night, Buy Low and Drink Up.


Is Craft Beer Cringe Right Now? Years ago, loving an IPA meant you were hip. What happened? is not short and covers a lot of history most of you who visit here on Mondays have lived through. So no summary from me that would not do it justice. In other words, read it for yourself.

Instead, I will lean into what Courtney Iseman lists as not cringe: “It’s important to define what’s eliciting eye rolls. It’s obviously not cringe to take your job seriously if you make beer or work with it; it’s not cringe to enjoy craft beer, learn about it and help foster the community aspect of it, whether as a professional or an enthusiast. Breweries who make a balance of what brewers and consumers want to drink sans judgment or snark, and who are more invested in creating an engaging third place: not cringe. And brewery owners, brewers, beer educators, beer judges and beer influencers who are members of underrepresented communities, as well as those devoting time and energy to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, all in the name of leveling the playing field? They are the exact opposite of all that’s being roasted within the craft beer space. They are the reason to still be excited about craft beer.”

To that I will add people who might be drinking beer at The Flats Beer Garden on the road between Golden and Boulder, Colorado, and thousands of similar establishments across the country. (Although few have views quite as spectacular at The Flats.) There are many reasons they might be there, and beer is just one of them. At the Flats, that will be likely be a draft beer from a small-ish Colorado brewery that costs more than those from very large breweries offered in cans and bottles. Modifiers—craft, local, independent, fancy—aren’t necessary.

And there’s a good chance that cringe is not a word many of the customers use very often.



When you walk into Gilly’s House of Cocktails in San Diego’s North Park neighborhood, you’ll catch folks circling around one of the two billiards tables playing pool for free, likely with a beer in hand. You’ll see an $11 Adios Motherfucker on the menu painted on the wall next to its room-length bar, touting ingredients like overproof rum and navy-strength gin. You’ll likely notice its brightness and cleanliness. Belly up to the bar, and you may spot a black wooden message board trumpeting the blue Powerade they have on a soda gun.

If you’re lucky, you may spot co-owner Erick Castro behind the stick — the same bar-industry titan who helped open acclaimed San Diego spots Polite Provisions and Raised by Wolves. The other co-owner, Jacob Mentel, made his bones at places like Polite and Youngblood, which landed on the list of North America’s 50 Best Bars in 2023. Last November, the two officially took over what used to be Gilly’s Cocktails, an old, seedy neighborhood dive bar that began life as Gil’s back in 1968. They tweaked the name, removed the blackout windows to reduce the dank, and added cocktails to the mix, including elevated versions of disco drinks.

Their efforts produced a space that can be described as an upscale dive bar: an of-the-moment concept that’s meant to be a step above a sticky-floored dive offering beers and stale pretzels but a notch below a high-volume joint slinging highfalutin $20 cocktails. It’s a stylistic trend that’s gained momentum in the post-Covid bar scene, and the investment of big names like Castro into the trend suggest it has legs. As it grows, a concurrent question is also arising: Isn’t an upscale dive bar just . . . a bar?

From Do Upscale Dives Belong in the Modern Bar Landscape?



A life and death in beer. For brewer DeWayne Schaaf, a strain of wild yeast became the only living connection to his late father—then it was lost to history. Or so he thought.

Jeff Alworth has a complaint. “N/A beer is a slow-moving, minuscule segment in the beer industry and I will continue to ignore it until its volume reaches whole digits.” I too am tired of reading what is pretty much the same story about Athletic Brewing over and over. But I’m pretty sure more people are drinking NA beers than beers made with mushrooms, and mushroom beers and the brewers who make them can be pretty dang interesting. I see opportunities.

Case in point No. 1: Why Augustiner’s new alcohol-free Helles is a big deal. I really want a half liter of this beer, and then another.

Case in point No. 2: Deschutes Brewery is doubling down on their investment in the non-alcoholic beer category with the installation of new technology and equipment to their Bend, Oregon production facility to relaunch NA Black Butte Porter, and introduce an NA version of Fresh Squeezed IPA. IMHO, NA Black Butter Porter is flat out terrific.

A temporary passport of belonging. This, too, could have been the Lede of the Week: “Four men and one woman are drinking beer and talking and laughing, unconsciously demonstrating, perhaps, that they are regulars and belong in a pub called Hütt’n, in Nuremberg’s Old Town. ‘Ja!’ says one as if to emphasise a point he is making. He has a blush of red on his face, a light crimson bloom on his nose and what looks like the glisten of sweat on his cheeks and forehead. He takes a deep swig from his half-litre glass of Helles and lets out a loud exclamation of satisfaction. They are friends, I presume, and belong here. I, on the other hand, am a visitor, a tourist in someone else’s public space to where the group I am watching come, I would guess, at least once or maybe twice a week. However, I feel like I too also belong, if only for a short time.”

Top 5 Dog Friendly Northwest Drinking Destinations. A more useful list than most. For the record, we do not own a dog, but we (almost) always enjoy dog watching in taprooms.

Lemon, Black Pepper, and… Wet Dog? Why Smell Is So Important to a Wine’s Flavor. And important to beer as well. Bonus link: What to read to reawaken your senses.

Post St. Patrick’s Day beer reading


Every Friday evening during the school year, I cajole the children into the bike by 18.40. I cycle them up the hill to the local municipal swimming pool and wave them through the door by 18.50. By 18.55 I’m sitting in the pub around the corner with a beer in front of me and a book in my hand. By 19.45, I’ll have finished the second of two beers, made no headway in the book, paid up at the bar, and be out the door so I’m back at the pool for the end of class at 20.00. Then it’s pile them back in the bike, and cycle them home where my Friday night routine ends and their bedtime routine begins. Lather, rinse, and repeat the following Friday.

— From On Routine (I): Friday Night Swimming.

“I’m thinking that now there might be a market for television or drama that’s the opposite of the grabby, ‘Something’s happening all the time, don’t look away!’ kind of thing—that Netflixy thing,” she said. She cited the example of “The Beatles: Get Back,” the Peter Jackson documentary about the 1969 recording of “Let It Be.” Watching that was more like listening to a chatty podcast: “You could wander away and come back, because there were lots of scenes of these incredible geniuses creating in a room together, but they were also being, like, ‘Shall we have some tea?’ ” It suggested to (Lucy) Prebble that she might want to experiment with “doing shows that feel like having a bath—where you just want to be in that environment for a long time.”

— From “Lucy Pebble’s Dramas of High Anxiety”. Are you ready for less “grabby” beer?

“In May of 2021, it was like a rapture took place in the City of Philadelphia. The buildings remained in place, and so did the people. The sun rose and set, Phils fans still cursed the God who hated them, and clouds still fell as gentle rain.

“What seemed to go missing was just about every Tired Hands beer tap within city limits.”

— From The Brewers Building a Better — and Less Toxic — Philly Beer Scene.


Speaking of grabby . . . As always, Doug Veliky shares ideas worth thinking about. “On March 1st, I worked to bring these two art forms together by joining forces with Warrior Wrestling, an independent promotion, to put on an absolute spectacle of a show that nobody in attendance will forget. The entire build up toward the event, behind-the-scenes planning & logistics, and execution on the big night helped reframe how I’m going to look at IPA from here on out.”

And this could have been the quote of the week: “Spending too much time around industry members and beer fans who have been into beer for a decade+ could make one think that people are tired of IPAs. This is a dangerous echo chamber to be influencing strategic decisions.”

Of Course America Fell for Liquid Death. “All of this, in one way or another, is about building the brand, because the brand is what’s important; the brand is all there is.” [My emphasis.]

Monster Lays Off 12 Cigar City Workers in Tampa. There is plenty of other sucky brewery news, adding up to lots more than 12 jobs lost. But one of the 12 is Wayne Wambles, the founding brewmaster. They guy who created flagship Jai Alai IPA and a bunch of other beers the brewery was built around.

Death by ubiquity. When Spuyten Duyvil opened in Williamsburg in 2003, it stood out for its selection of imported European beers — “the beer you couldn’t find anywhere else,” says Joe Carroll. “Now you’d be hard pressed to find any place without it.”

Four Years Ago the World Stopped. Jeff Alworth has made a list of what the disruption meant to beer.

Sustainability. Scientists have now found a way of selectively capturing metals from a waste stream using spent brewer’s yeast. . . . Not only that: the yeast can be reused, making the process even more eco-friendly.

Lacada Cooperative Brewery: A fostering dynamic. “From the get go the character of the enterprise seemed to be locally celebratory, exulting local knowledge, produce and skills as well as drawing on local geography, history, myths and legends as inspiration. There was a fostering of relationships between the surf scene, local artists and musicians like myself, as well as the exciting café and food market culture that was beginning to blossom. This dynamism had existed disparately in one way or another for years, but for me the mentality of collaboration and cooperation really helped build something that feels harder to move away from.”

Hop updates 03.13.2024

2023 - Carbon footprint for various hop varieties.From Hopsteiner

– Hopsteiner has updated a list of the CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) of 34 hop cultivars it grows on its farms. Details at Hop Queries.

– The 2023 Hop Harvest Guide from BarthHaas is available for download. They will ask for your email address, but you can opt out of additional missives. The rose charts are a great way to visualize what you smell and taste. Not all your favorite varieties are included (Where’s the Chinook, the Motueka?), but when they are, the information about how the 2023 crop (for each cultivar) varied from a typical year is dang useful.

CY2023 Cascade aroma profile compared to an average yearFrom BarthHaas