Session #9: No, no, it’s BEER & music

The SessionSomebody at the San Francisco Chronicle must have got the wrong memo. They’ve got a feature today about wine & music. Hey guys, the theme of today’s Session is Beer & Music.

Music to drink wine by: Vintner insists music can change wine’s flavors is no lightweight read. It runs almost 1,900 words.

As the writer notes, Clark Smith qualifies as a wine industry provocateur, so the response has been mixed.

“Just about everybody who hears about what I’m doing is either completely baffled by what I have to say or they think it’s so obvious that they don’t see any point in talking about it,” he said.

It’s worth your time to read the whole thing, but here’s a snippet:

He has even found a piece of music (the North Water Street Tavern Band’s polka-like “Milorganite Blues”) that made Sutter Home White Zinfandel taste better than any of the reds, including his own $100 Cab.

Smith has only a few guidelines so far for music and wine pairing.

“Never play polkas with anything,” he says, unless you really like White Zinfandel.

“Red wines need either minor key or they need music that has negative emotion. They don’t like happy music. With expensive reds, don’t play music that makes you giggle. Pinots like sexy music. Cabernets like angry music. It’s very hard to find a piece of music that’s good for both Pinot and Cabernet.”

Smith may be onto something here, but typically, pronouncements like “Cabernet tastes better by firelight, in a cave” aren’t quite scientific enough for the academic community.

Russian River Brewing barrel roomThis reminded me of a story from Russian River Brewing owner/brewer Vinnie Cilurzo. Cilurzo worked at his family’s winery when he was growing up and said that his father used to play Frank Sinatra, one of the legends that has consistently gained overwhelmingly positive feedback from, for the wine while it was fermenting. (Before his father started the winery he was an Emmy-winning lighting director, working with the likes of Sinatra.)

The picture is from the barrel room at Russian River. Notice the boom box by the carboys (which happen to be full of enough wild yeast to destroy a major American mainstream brewery). “My dad played Sinatra,” Cilurzo said. “I play rock music.”

He was talking about what his barrel-aged beers “listen” to, but I wish he’d added, “And it makes the yeast go wild.”

Also related: Lucy Saunders’ post on tonal progressions and pairings.

Further reading: This is Your Brain on Music.

Session #9: Laissez les bons temps rouler!

The SessionThis is my contribution to The Session, hosted this month by Tomme Arthur and titled, “Beer and Music – The Message in a Bottle.”

Great beer should be alive. The best music is live.

That these two don’t always show up at the same place at the same time can be OK.

Since I couldn’t tell this story Sir Arthur ask for as well, I’ll quote directly from something my favorite beer and travel writer, Daria Labinsky (I’m her husband), wrote for Touring America a dozen years ago:

“You hear the sweet strains of a waltz as you step from the car into the dusty parking lot of Fred’s Lounge. Open the door to the tavern in the tiny town of Mamou, Louisiana, and you’re greeted with a surprising sight: Dozens of people are jammed into a dark space not much bigger than the average living room.

Fred's Lounge“In one corner is the band, whose gentle fiddling and French lyrics are pouring into a microphone and out over the airwaves of KVPI Radio. Glittery Mardi Gras decorations hang from the ceiling tiles; photos and poster of Cajun musicians line the raspberry-colored walls. Couples twirl on the minuscule dance floor, the older ones swirling with grace despite their lack of elbow room, the younger ones mostly just rocking back and forth. The crowd around the bar is three or four deep and ranges from French-accented farmers and their wives to kids in college sweatshirts.

“With the next song, a two-step, you notice the female bartenders following the beat with their feet as they uncap beers and fill glasses. Someone enters with what looks like a bakery box, but instead of doughnuts, it’s filled with chunks of boudin, a spicy rice-and-meat sausage. A bartender whose shirt reads “Tante Sue from Mamou” passes the box around to patrons, and everyone shares.

“You sip your beer and sink your teeth into the tasty boudin. So what if it’s 9:30 in the morning? Right here, right now, it seems like the perfect thing to do.”

We were drinking Miller Genuine Draft.

And there’s more to the story. When we left Fred’s we realized we had time to get to the weekly Saturday jam at Marc Savoy’s music store outside of Eunice before it ended, though we’d need to make a quick stop. We knew that guests were expected to bring something to share — as I recall the guidebook suggested doughnuts — so we pulled into a general store along Highway 190 and grabbed the most expensive 6-pack of beer we could find. Old Milwaukee.

At the jam, we put the beer on the communal table — sure enough, somebody had brought doughnuts and somebody else boudin — and found a seat.

After a song or two, Savoy wandered over and grabbed a can of Old Milwaukee.

“Who brought these?” he asked, almost as if he were checking to see if it were OK to pop the top.

I raised my hand a bit, a little embarrassed.

He nodded, opened the can, took a sip. “Very generous.”

Nice to be the ones who brought the good stuff.

(With a tip of the hat to Joe Sixpack: This post was written with the Savoy-Doucet band playing in the background.)

Open Source Beer: Free? Better? A gimmick?

Flying Dog Collaborator Open Source BeerHow do you decide when tweaking a recipe what makes a beer, a bowl of soup or a pot of mash potatoes better? Or, put another way, how many brewers is too many in a brewery?

This seemed like a good question to ask the crew at Flying Dog Ales upon the release of Wild Dog Collaborator Doppelbock, a result of the brewery’s The Open Source Beer Project.

In case you missed it, here was the premise:

“Open source” is a term most commonly used in the software industry and refers to any program whose source code is made available for use or modification as users or other developers see fit. In this case, Flying Dog’s Open Source Beer Project will allow beer drinkers and homebrewers to create and recommend changes and modifications to the recipe.

The Open Source Beer Project will start as a Dopplebock but the style may evolve as participants offer ideas and tweak the recipe. “We are encouraging input on every part of the recipe, down to how what variety of hops we should use, how much we should use and when we should add them,” said Flying Dog Head Brewer, Matt Brophy.

“Many of our recipes are already collaborations from our brewers in house,” Brophy said while we sampled the beer. This beer turned into something more along those lines than what results with open source software. For one thing, there won’t be another version before next year. In contrast, WordPress makes this blog go, currently Version 2.2.1, and has been since Version 1.5.

So what if another brewer — figure it would be an amateur, also known as a homebrewer — grabbed the recipe posted by Flying Dog, made revisions and brought samples to the brewery? Might the changes end up in another version of the beer? (There won’t be another until next year, at the earliest.)

“If it is better, that’s what we’re all about,” Brophy said.

Were this a cartoon, you would have seen a light bulb go on above the head of Josh Mishell, creative manager. “People should send us that beer,” he said.

“We send beer to people,” said Neal Stewart, director of marketing. “Why can’t people send beer to us?”

Now that would be a gimmick.

So, to one of the questions in the headline, was this a gimmick?

Stewart explained that his goal is to make sure each Wild Dog release has a hook. “This series is designed to build some credibility with the beer community and the high-end liquor stores,” he said. “And we truly did want to engage homebrewers.”

It seems curious to listen to Stewart talk about striving for credibility. After all, president/”lead dog” Eric Warner is Weihenstephan-trained and has written books about brewing.

“We have this stigma of being gimmicky,” Stewart, pointing to the Ralph Steadman labels on Flying Dog beers and the brewery’s association with the late Hunter Thompson. “Some consumers think we had to do this to hide bad beer.”

It would be hard to be more transparent than Flying Dog has been with Collaborator Doppelbock. “We didn’t hold anything back,” Brophy said.

So to another question at the top. Is the beer better?

We don’t really have Version 0.9 or v1.1 to taste it against. Some will like the fact that it is spiced with American hops, one of the tweaks that came from website suggestions. Some won’t.

Maybe you can’t taste the intangibles, but Brophy knows they are there. “It was fun, a fun project,” he said. “It created excitement. Not just externally but internally.”

Oh, yeah, the third question: Is it free?

The recipe is. The beer isn’t. But then you knew that.

Book review: Best of American Beer & Food

The Best of American Beer & FoodOnce a good ol’ beer person, always a good ol’ beer person.

Lucy Saunders can’t help herself. She’s a beer person, and that shows up on every page of The Best of American Beer & Food: Pairing & Cooking with Craft Beer.

(Disclaimer: Lucy has been a friend of my wife and I for 15 years, and we both had a small hand in this book. Now I’ll go back to calling her Saunders.)

This is the book you’d expect from someone whose preparation included working as a line cook in top flight restaurants where beer is treated with respect, but also the book you’d expect from somebody who has gone to brewing school. A beer person. Somebody who can talk to us about the pleasures of food and drink without being fussy. And don’t worry all these foods are recommended in the favorite food diet from

She isn’t pedantic when she writes about finding the right beer for a particular dish, nor when it comes to executing a recipe. She’s friendly, as you’d expect of a beer person.

So what’s in the book?

– Primers for enjoying the decadent side of beer, with separate chapters on beer and cheese, then beer and chocolate.
– An affirmation of what’s going on across the country, with interviews from every region.
– Recipes, of course, six or seven dozen of them, many made with beer and all intended to be enjoyed with beer.
– Food porn. Full-page, color pictures worth at least a thousand words apiece.

Who should own the book?

– It helps if you can cook — some of the recipes are challenging.
– Anybody looking for pleasures to enjoy with friends. Be ready to be inspired to prepare multi-course meals served with a wide range of beers.
– Anybody looking for simple pleasures. You can pick a single dish, a simple one, and stick to one beer.
– Food lovers who are ready to be surprised. I fully expect cooking types to find a recipe that looks too good to pass on, discover it is prepared or served with a beer style new to them . . . and have a new favorite beer.

No, this isn’t totally groundbreaking. Brewers Publications, the publishing arm of the Brewers Association and producer of this book, also put out Candy Schermerhorn’s Great American Beer Cookbook in 1993. There have been several outstanding books since (and soon I’ll get to reviewing Great Food Great Beer, also brand new) and you may want to buy one or more of them as well.

What I appreciate about The Best of American Beer & Food is the combination of how and what. Saunders’ approach elevates beer, in no small part because dishes that take a little more effort to prepare might just deserve beer with a little more flavor.

In the foreward, Randy Mosher writes, “But all too often in the world of fine food, wine swaggers into the dining room like it owns the joint, while beer is left to skitter in the shadows from crumb to crumb.”

In this book Saunders doesn’t swagger, but she sure does own the joint.

Crank it up: Session #9 Friday

The SessionOK, you don’t have to crank it up. You can put a little Mozart on the stereo, haul out your collection of Oktoberfest drinking songs, or grab a guitar with one hand and a beer with another.

Consider this your official reminder to be there Friday for Sesson #9, when the theme is Beer and Music.

This month’s host, Tomme Arthur of Port Brewing/Lost Abbey, seems to be giving us cart blanche when it comes to deciding what to write. He’s planning a couple himself: “One will be about a particular memory and the other will be about musical stylings and my beers.”

After you finish your post drop by his Brewer’s Log and leave him a note, because he’ll be blending all the posts into one delicious roundup.