It’s stunning how often the word tradition popped up last week when talking with Belgian brewers (doubly so since relatively little time was spent in the presence of brewers this is a big little country, incredibly diverse). Expected during Bruxellensis: The Festival of Characterful Beers, but a surprise at a festival we stumbled upon down near the Belgian-French border.
Like we had any idea what to expect from a small town event, supplemented with line dancing and sponsored by the Lions Club. We went because they had flyers at the In Flanders Field museum in Ieper. After a few fascinating but grim hours at this museum you can definitely use a beer.
Anyway, these discussions about tradition are not about whether they brew on antique or new equipment, or if they are using 21st century or ancient recipes. They are about the beers themselves, about flavor.
I could pass along a thousand words based on these recent conversations, but why when three from Gust Simons of Brasserie Dupont will do?
“Tradition is fresh.”