Monday musing: Tradition made simple

It’s stunning how often the word tradition popped up last week when talking with Belgian brewers (doubly so since relatively little time was spent in the presence of brewers — this is a big little country, incredibly diverse). Expected during Bruxellensis: The Festival of Characterful Beers, but a surprise at a festival we stumbled upon down near the Belgian-French border.

Like we had any idea what to expect from a small town event, supplemented with line dancing and sponsored by the Lions Club. We went because they had flyers at the In Flanders Field museum in Ieper. After a few fascinating but grim hours at this museum you can definitely use a beer.

Anyway, these discussions about tradition are not about whether they brew on antique or new equipment, or if they are using 21st century or ancient recipes. They are about the beers themselves, about flavor.

I could pass along a thousand words based on these recent conversations, but why when three from Gust Simons of Brasserie Dupont will do?

“Tradition is fresh.”


#10 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

If you know where in the beer world this photo was taken please leave a comment.

Don’t worry about being the first to answer – your comments are welcome at any time.

Yes, this makes two photos in the first ten in this series featuring cobwebs, but consider that your hint.

If you are wondering what this is all about visit here or here.

And if you’d like to see a larger, slightly artsier, version of the photo look here.


Everybody in Belgium drinks kriek

Everybody in Belgium drinks kriek

Spotted lasted Sunday at The Grand’Place/Grote Markt in Brussels: This baby-faced boy drinking Lindeman’s Kriek alongside what appeared to be (and acted like) his parents and grandparents.

Lindeman’s Kriek and Gueuze were being poured in the tent behind he family.

We’ve saw other young people drinking both beer and wine with the parents in Brussels restaurants.


Spotted in Brussels: Bottles of Westvleteren

We’re bunking (for one more night in Brussels) less than two blocks from maybe 10,000 beers you probably want to drink.

The best deals are in the grocery stores — not nearly the selection of bottle shops and not what I’m really looking for, but dang solid. Bottles of Chimay, Westmalle, Rochefort and Orval all go for between a euro and €1.50. A 75cl bottle of Chimay Grand Reserve is €2.90.

Anyway, the news. I wasn’t looking for Westvleteren beers since we plan to stop by the cafe next week. But I spotted a crate at de Bier Tempel. Details at Brew Like a Monk.


Session #20 announced: Beer memories

The SessionBathtub Brewery has announced the topic for Session #20 (meaning that in November it becomes “legal”):

Is there a beer that reminds you of a specific memory?

If you’re thinking, “Huh?” then you might want to craft your response along the lines of “Whenever I drink [insert brew here] it reminds me of that day …” Or perhaps it’s the reverse. Oooooh.

A great topic, but an interesting challenge here. We’ll be in the village of Neuhaus, Germany, because Oct. 3 is the one day of the year all of the Zoigl brewers they serve beer. Perhaps I’ll blog about that, perhaps something else and perhaps I won’t be online at all.

If you’ve got a blog and want to participate it is easy. After you post your contribution drop a line to Bathtub Brewery.