2008 Yule Photo contest: Kick my butt

Alan and Jeff (aka Stonch) are back at it, announcing the 2008 Yule Beer Blog Photo Contest, here and here.

They’ve already got a wealth of prizes lined up, so get your entries in. I’ll see what I can find, but I’m oh-for-two in this event and I expect you can do better (thus the invitation to “kick my butt”).

Here’s a photo I won’t be entering, taken in July at Dieu du Ciel! in Montreal shortly after the pub opened on a weekday afternoon.

Where in the beer world?

As you’ll see if you visit Alan or Jeff’s blog it looks way too much like last year’s winner.


I voted for BrewDog to make a Black IPA

Here’s a case where one dog hasn’t been paying enough attention to another beer loving dog.

UK upstart BrewDog’s “Beer Rocks – Brewing up a Revolution!” is worth a look, but the idea of brewing a “democratically designed” beer isn’t totally new.

Case in point. Flying Dog Brewery’s Open Source Beer Project.

Back to BrewDog. This is different than Open Source, Beer Rocks voting has begun, and you might decide the winner. So go click for Black IPA (OK, sorry for campaigning so close to the voting booth).

As a total aside, we saw BrewDog beers a couple of weeks ago in Rome and several months ago in Jasper, Alberta (as in Canada). The revolution seems to be pretty widespread.


The real enemy of better beer? Please vote

Are boring beers or badly made beers the real enemy?

One thing about moving outside your comfort zone, ordering beers in languages you don’t speak and knocking back what the locals drink even if you might never have heard of the beers . . . you come across both. (Same with wine, which can be even more confusing in “emerging” wine countries like Croatia and Slovenia).

While I consider this question myself I’d like to hear your opinions.

And, no, “both” is not an acceptable answer. You have to pick one.


#17 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?Do you think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

Please leave a comment.

It would seem I’m struggling to find the balance (struck earlier in this non-contest ) between easy, at least for some, and impossible to identify. But I will keep trying.

I little research should make it possible to figure out the country. The location (city and actual drinking spot), well it helps if you’ve been there.

And a hint: Sometimes you can’t get a Corona. And that’s OK.


Session #22 announced: You and Prohibition

The SessionIn a perfect world 21st Amendment Brewery would be hosting the 21st round of The Session rather than the 22nd. It didn’t break that way. Oh well, there’s still good news. The next gathering of beer bloggers falls on Dec. 5, and 21st Amendment is ready for action.

Quick class, what does that date mean to beer drinkers?

Sean and Nico, your hosts, write: “At the 21st Amendment Brewery, the repeal of Prohibition means we can celebrate the right to brew beer, the freedom to be innovative, and the obligation to have fun.

“What does the repeal of Prohibition mean to you? How will you celebrate your right to drink beer?”

As usual, all bloggers are welcome to participate. Just post on Dec. 5 and drop them a line.