Monday beer reading: The more things change . . .

Craft beer sales- charted

1) Is there a craft beer bubble? Minnesota brewers say there’s room for everyone, but some taprooms face uncertainty

2) How Fair State Brewing Hit Bankruptcy, and How It Plans to Fight Through It

3) Craft Beer Has Been Flat for Eight Years, and Other Notes

4 What we’ve gained and what we’ve lost in a decade of British beer

The first story is behind a paywall, but I found a way around it and you may as well. If not, OK, because in the second, Fair State co-founder Evan Sallee does a better job of answering the question anyway:

“Even talking about a “craft beer bubble” has been a pet peeve of mine. Craft beer is not a bubble; bubbles are a special thing where prices are inflated, and disconnected from the underlying market. Whereas the growth of craft beer has been driven by a consumer demand revolution. There are a lot of breweries competing for limited consumers, but that does not a bubble make.”

The chart at the top draws on slightly different data than Jeff Alworth uses in No. 3. John I. Haas CEO Tom Davis shared it at the American Hop Convention. It tracks production from Brewers Association defined craft breweries plus brands once classified as craft that are now owned by large breweries. The pink on the right represents barrels of beer that would have been sold had sales simply gone flat in 2020, rather than declining, not completely recovering, then declining again. Obviously, that matters a lot to hop growers. When barrels aren’t brewed then hops aren’t used. In this case, about 20 million pounds of them.

Two thoughts. First, indeed, little difference between production in 2015 and 2023. Second, if you draw an arrow from the top of the bar at 2015 to 2019 it looks much different than an arrow drawn from the top of 2019 to 2023. Production might be the same, but something different is going on.

Finally, I haven’t seen figures that compare British craft production in 2015 and today, but Boak & Bailey’s then and now illustrates what happens over time. Additionally, it is a reminder of how beer blogging has changed. This is the sort of post that 10 years ago would have inspired more of the same.

What would you pick from 2014 to pair with thiolized yeast, with hop water, with 19.2-ounce cans?

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How Does a Brewery Move Forward After a Racist Incident?
More out of the Twin Cities. “56 Brewing is still navigating the ramifications of the incident nearly three years on. (Their) story of moving forward with purpose and success in an unforgiving digital landscape is a sound roadmap after a devastating incident.”

Does European beer have an American flavour?
If so, shouldn’t it be spelled “flavor?” Anyway, the premise: “Last year, through a combination of luck, obligation and planning, I managed to visit a random selection of bars and breweries in some of Western Europe’s major and major-ish cities (Copenhagen, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, and Glasgow). In and of themselves, they’re not particularly interesting; as a set, they arguably illustrate some different ways in which craft beer has landed in related but different cultures.”

This Is Senne’s Valley
“I really dislike if your aroma and your body don’t combine together,” says Senne Eylenbosch, talking about blending. “If it’s too fruity in the nose, and it’s too slow-drinking in the body—because body is also one of the reasons that something is very slow drinking—it fights. It’s not good when the aroma is not in character together with the body.”

Homebrew – Cheaper than the Pub?
Plenty of math in this post. “One thing though that is really clear to me from this little exercise is that ingredients are not the bulk of the cost of making the beer, it is a the people, equipment, and place to do so.”

Monday beer reading: Revolution, evolution & education

Craft beer openings and closings

This graph from a presentation at the recent American Hop Convention confirms that a small brewery closes almost every day somewhere in the United States. Last week, Black Narrows Brewing in Virginia used Facebook to announce it will be one of them, next Sunday will be its last day in business.

Alistair Reece writes that this is a loss for Virginia, and also points to a story he wrote for Pellicle.

It feels like it is a loss for all of us. I have had a couple of brief conversations with Black Narrows founder Josh Chapman and longer exchanges via email. Brewing beer that reflected the place it comes from seemed to come naturally to him. Black Narrows was on a short list of breweries I hope to visit, perhaps the coming summer, so I am selfishly sad. The possible good news is a hint from D.C. Beer that “Chapman probably isn’t done brewing on the Delmarva peninsula. Stay tuned . . .”

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First, two headlines. “Fight the Power — How Craft Malt Is Central to Taking On Beer’s Industrial Complex” and “This beer is so popular that brewers are sick of it” read like click bait.

The second is behind a paywall. I get the impression it goes back to a list of overrated beer styles, which was really a list of styles industry members apparently don’t like. I am reminded of the quote usually credited to Yogi Berra although he was not the first to say it: “Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”

When Alan McLeod linked to the first, he added a footnote that, “The whole idea of craft beer is taking on industrial beer like it’s, you know, 2011 or so, is sweet and nostalgic and charming and all.” I signaled my agreement at Bluesky, leading him to add that we should remember that authors don’t write headlines.

I wrote what I had to about craft malting last June. Actually, I let Jeff Bloem at Murphy & Rude Malting Co., who provided malt to Black Narrows, lay the foundation. At the time I asked if craft maltsters are agents of change, without adding my opinion. I think they are, just as brewers like Josh Chapman are. But they aren’t taking down beer’s industrial complex any time soon.

A Creative Boom Led to Many IPA Busts
This was a subhead within a story in which Josh Bernstein confesses his book, “Complete IPA,” serves as “a half-finished time capsule filled with bright ideas gone dark.” I do not miss brut IPA, a “style” so short lived that it did not earn a capital B. I started to type “I do miss bracingly bitter,” but a) I admit there is a difference between bracing and abrasive, and b) to complain when I have no problem finding Russian River Blind Pig, Comrade Superpower and whatever Cannonball Creek is pouring with IPA in the name would be obnoxious.

How much beer did a 19th century farmer-brewer brew?
That’s not the only question Martyn Cornell has. “Given those figures, it is not surprising to find that a fair number of farmers who brewed for themselves and their workers did indeed cross over into commercial brewing,” he writes before posing his question. “What the figures are nationally for farmers becoming commercial brewers I don’t know . . . anyone want to do the research?”

Rogue’s slow, deliberate reinvention
Jeff Alworth points out that Rogue has a flagship beer that is older (at 32 years) than many of the drinkers it hopes to attract. In its early days, the personality of the brand reflected those of founder Jack Joyce and brewmaster John Maier. Now Rogue has a “tighter focus and more conventional approach to beer” and has “started making more accomplished, modern beer, including IPAs, which they had strangely never seriously pursued.” Strange indeed.

“No style trend in recent memory has unified the highly segmented US beer fan more (than Czech Lager),” Doug Veliky writes. Noteworthy is the fact this post is sponsored by Czechvar (Budvar in Czechia, but not called that here because Budweiser won that court battle). #YearOfTheLager comes with a downloadable guide, an online seminar and more.

This piggybacks with promotions begun in the mid-teens by the Czech government. The Czech Embassy in Washington, D.C., and the Ministry of Agriculture have organized a “Brewing Like Czechs Do” project for several years, working in partnership with Czech hop growers. Last month, Alworth wrote, “I’ve always wondered why Americans knew so little about Czech beer.” That’s changing.

Cartoons on an IPA can? Dover NH teens say frothy beer labels need to sober up
“I don’t like being targeted by the industry. I don’t like seeing my peers ruin their brains and their livers at like 14 and 15 because they’re binge drinking. It’s just a problem.”

On the other hand . . . recall Flying Dog won went to court to keep states from banning sales of its beer Raging Bitch or from including the words “Good Beer, No Shit” on its labels.

Monday beer reading: 3rd places & signs of the times

A quiet moment in a friendly pub

When blogs die: Before getting to some good reading, this. I just counted. I am subscribed to 198 rss feeds, most of them blogs. Most of them out of service. Some now gone for 10 years or so. But you never know when one might return to life. I was briefly excited Friday to see seven posts from one show up in my reader, the first from that blog since 2017. Briefly, because now the site has the tagline “As Essential as Beer, Focused on Sex.” I’m not going to include a link, because I don’t want to embarrass the (former) blogger who let their domain name registration expire, and you can find your own damn porn.

Also Friday, I was just finishing reading a post from Boak & Bailey — in which they asked “What is it about pubs that makes them particularly suitable for socialising and ‘hanging out’, compared to cafes and restaurants?” — when my feed reader delivered the bold assertion that, “Breweries Are Great Third Places. But We Deserve Even Better Ones.”

Later in the day, Stephanie Grant added to the conversation going in in my head with, “Crafting Community in Taprooms: A Dive into Third Spaces.” For those not familiar with Ray Oldenburg’s work that introduced so many to the concept of a third place, she includes his eight characteristics of a third place as outlined in “The Great Good Place.”

Oldenburg wrote another book, published almost 30 years after “The Great Good Place,” called, “The Joy of Tippling: A Salute to Bars, Taverns, and Pubs.” He was cautious about advocating for the use of alcohol.

“The joy of tippling,” he wrote, “the case for which I’m writing and advocating, is most often experienced among the regulars at neighborhood bars. There’s far more conversation than drinking there and it takes place among people from different walks of life who take pride in diversity. To see this all passing away, and too often to the delight of city governments, makes me wonder about the kind of society we are becoming.”

At VinePair, Dave Infante argues that, “The Platonic ideal of a craft brewery is a good third place, and we deserve better ones. We deserve public spaces where buying shit is an option, not an obligation; where alcohol and NA drinks (and other recreational drugs) can be enjoyed safely and socially; where the magic of the public commons, not logic of the market, dictates the terms of engagement.”

A fine idea, but at time in which libraries struggle to remain welcoming, while it is reasonable to keep demanding proper public spaces the wait to see this happen may be long. For the time being, privately owned establishments that minimize the obligation to “buy shit” (or the drink of your choice) and maximize being welcoming are our best option.

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Murky Waters: Distilling truth from fiction in the Faubourg Brewing debacle
A very long read to start off, but worth your time, and the reason that I made a contribution to support Louisiana Illuminator, part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Let’s hear it for nonprofit journalism (the kind that pays journalists). Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Drew Hawkins, who reported on this story, has also written ones about the challenges Louisiana libraries face.

It is not just this gem of a truth: “If you’re a private equity investment firm looking to turn a major profit, craft beer isn’t as lucrative as it was a decade ago.”

The story holds the company Made By The Water, accountable for statement after statement that really needed to be challenged. They gutted Catawba Brewing, shut down Faubourg Brewing (formerly Dixie) in New Orleans, and even screwed over a reality TV star.

Reinheitsgegot, from Bavarian oddity to German icon, 1906-1975
“Throughout the industrialised world, concepts of food ‘purity’ and ‘natural eating’ emerged in the late nineteenth century as life reformers, food scientists, businessmen and regulators eyed the potential harms of the modern food system, from meat-heavy diets to the increasingly adulterated and synthetic alternatives that occupied the growing space between food producers and consumers.” In fact, in the United States there was a battle over what might be called “pure beer.” [h/T Andreas Krennmair]

How Guinness got women on board and left its lads-only image behind
“It’s not just a drink, it’s an experience. That famous strap-line, ‘good things come to those who wait,’ refers to the two-part pour needed to achieve that perfect creamy head on the beer. Just like when a cocktail is mixed in front of the guest, there is an element of performative theatre to its service.” Related: “How Guinness Led a Modern Nitro-Stout Takeover of Britain’s Pubs.”

Notes on central European beer – A sign of the times?
“In the past, when I’ve encountered young craft beer markets, there’s a since of excitement and possibility. In this region, breweries are in triage and just trying to get back to normal economies. They’re excited about the beer, but anxious about the market and tired from the long slog.”

Ideal Day Family Brewery on Crocadon Farm, Cornwall
I must echo Alan McLeod and Boak & Bailey pointing to this story. “All art is the journey back to the point at which your heart first opened.”

80+ Black-Owned Breweries to Support Across the Country
“Despite seeing some progress in initiatives over the last four years, such as the creation of the National Black Brewers Association, the fact remains that less than one percent of all craft breweries in the United States are Black-owned.”

The New, Old Look American Lager
“Rhinegeist doesn’t use the term ‘craft’ on their Cincy Light packaging, but they do use the Brewers Association’s Craft Brewers seal and embrace the term in telling their broader story. Garage Beer, which exited the Braxton Brewing architecture, was given a fresh start and updated design with no real history or other other continuity to factor in. They went with the phrase ‘Small Batch Brewed’ which makes sense as a way to distance themselves from a powerhouse brand like Modelo, which sells at a similar price.’

As market tightens, local breweries must find their niche
To bring chatter about third places full circle. “At Old Bust Head Brewery in Vint Hill on a recent Saturday, the taproom was lively. Lauren and Jared Fisher were there with their two young daughters playing Old Maid. They moved to the area four months ago from Florida. ‘We’re originally from New York, and I would go out to breweries with my girlfriends on Fridays,’ Lauren Fisher said. ‘Our neighbors recommended this place, so we came here with the girls. It feels a little bit like cheating. We get to have a little bit of fun, and they get to have fun.'”

Monday beer reading: culture, culture, culture

Deschutes Fresh Haze in a  half liter Paulaner glass

Good morning, class. Your assignment this week is to write an essay that should include beer and culture in the title as well as one or more of these words:


The reading material:

– First up, last week, Boak & Bailey asked “What is a healthy beer culture?”

– During the week, Jeff Alworth posted about time in Prague, including a bit of “generalizing.” Along the way he writes, “Beer, as I’ve mentioned probably too many times, is a product of culture.” Don’t click away without reading Alistair Reece’s comment.

– This may seem like an aside, but it is a reminder that alcohol is one of the attractions of drinking beer. Alan McLeod pointed to a story about experiences at a festival where the only manufacturers featured were Ontario based craft breweries that have begun to offer non-alc or low-alc products as part of their lineup. Some differences from the traditional version, and not just the demographic (some of the patrons have hearing aids).

Mcleod also had thoughts about list of the most overrated beer styles.

To which, Mike Kallenberger commented at Bluesky, “The take on overrated beer styles has me wondering yet again if ‘chasing trends’ hasn’t caused subtle but lasting harm to ‘craft beer brand equity’ (whatever that is) even as it spurs short-to-medium term sales.”

– Think about that while reading “After a Boom, Craft Beer Considers a New Creed: Less Is More.”

At the end, Bob Kunz at Highland Park Brewing in Los Angeles says he sees growing demand for beer served by the pitcher. “Nobody has to think about what they’re buying,” he said. “You end up having more collective experiences if you’re drinking the same beer.”

– In ”The Sum of Small Things: The Theory of the Aspirational Class” author Elizabeth Currid-Halkett introduces the concept of “conspicuous production,” which stands in contrast to “conspicuous consumption.” She writes that, “Inconspicuous consumption in other words, has become a shorthand through which the new elite signal their cultural capital to one another.”

Let’s be realistic. Had some members of what Currid-Halkett labels the new elite not embraced craft beer, stories about it would not be appearing in The New York Times. And what could be a better example inconspicuous consumption than drinking beer by the pitcher?

Alcohol. People. Beer drinkers. Connections. Beer makers.

Have I left anything out?

The photo at the top was taken at Pepi’s, a restaurant in Vail, Colorado, that serves excellent German-inspired food. That is Deschutes Fresh Haze in a half-liter glass. A crossing of cultures, it seems. FYI, a member of our traveling party ordered it. I went with a Hacker-Pschoor.

Link of the week: Collaborations and the way forward

Beer foam


Stephanie Grant gets right to the point:

“True collaboration, especially when the grounds are unequal between the two collaborators, should ensure both parties benefit from the interaction. And that shouldn’t always come in the form of money, but also knowledge in and outside the brewhouse.

“It’s time for Black people in the craft beer community to go beyond the excitement of collaborating with a brewery they admire and ask themselves: How can we both get the most out of this collaboration? We must not mistake our unequal footing as in not having value. If that were the case, the offer to collaborate with established breweries wouldn’t exist. It’s time to balance the scales.

“So, what’s the way forward?”

Knowledge and capital, she answers, particularly capital. Exhibit A: The 8 Trill Fund started by Crown & Hops.

“Unlike past charity-based collaboration initiatives that often fall out of relevance once the beer is brewed and the check is written, the Eight Trillion Allies Collaboration Series encourages breweries to stay engaged,” she writes. “And it’s not restricted to a moment in time, but an ongoing effort to bring equity to the craft beer industry and increase Black brewery ownership to 13%.”

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– In the spirit of #PubJanuary: Anthony Gladman makes the case for “sitting on your own with a pint.” And when Boak & Bailey visited a pair of rebooted Bristol pubs they found “a classic example of a pub that has not got much for us personally but we’re glad it exists, serving a distinct crowd, and appears to be thriving.” Finally, a press release about Proper Pubs installing defibrillators across its estate. This is not to imply the customers who make up their distinct crowd are of a certain age, but that this is a measure to serve the communities where the pubs operate.

Historic hop fraud. Styrian hops sold as Saazer hops in the 19th century. I’ve got observations about some of the details in this post that I will share in the next Hop Queries.

– It seems that the status of craft beer — the good, the bad, the in-between — can be found on a single street in San Diego.

$20 pints are coming. Those are New Zealand dollars. That equates to $12.25 in the United States, where, in some cases, consumers may already be paying similar prices.

“I brewed the $150 Tesla Cyberbeer so you don’t have to.” It’s a video and it’s a bit silly. But, dang, it reminds you why it is fun to be a homebrewer.