#nottwitter13 (grocery store beers)

Do you think less of a local beer, or for that matter a faraway brand you always thought was hard to get, when it shows up in the cooler at your grocery store?

Asked because of this story about upscale wines and grocery stores.

3 thoughts on “#nottwitter13 (grocery store beers)”

  1. as long as the beer hasn’t been changed to meet a price point, I’d be all for it … especially if they’ve had the foresight to add a visible / legible ‘packaged on’ date.

    • A must. I find it very easy to pass on a beer with a packaged on date, even at the brewery (unless there is somebody at the brewery who can assure me it is fresh; not always the case).

  2. These days, I’m GRATEFUL when that happens! I have much less time and energy to hunt for stuff, so when something I formerly had to travel to get appears at a supermarket, I thank my lucky stars and the distributor.

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