Yes, we’re just two days beyond Monday musing, but seems to be a lot going on that might not otherwise be worth a full length post.
– Too late for this year, but Greg Clow at Beer, Beats & Bites suggests beer bloggers get involved in the Menu for Hope charity event.
He’s offering to run the point on this:
So, if you’ve got a blog about beer and think this is a good idea, please leave a comment, and send word to other bloggers to check out this post and do the same.
I’m in and I hope you’ll consider contributing too. Drop him a line so we get a running start for 2008.
Meanwhile, think about participating this year by buying a lottery ticket (just $10 a chance). You can go for what Greg is giving away, the package Maggie Dutton of The Wine Offensive has assembled (beer from Elysian included) or something from scores of other food bloggers. You’ll find the list at Menu for Hope.
– Last year Stephen Beaumont wrote: “When some day we look back upon the history of craft brewing around the world, particularly in North America, I believe that 2006 will be known as the year of the beer blog.” Well, 2006 was nothing compared to what has happened in 2007, including two blogs from Beaumont.
What’s been particularly nice is the perspective we gain because of daily international posts. For instance, yesterday Martyn Cornell offered a nice snapshot of what’s going on in UK beer writing by handicapping the “Beer Writer of the Year League.”
– Rick Sellers draws attention to The Bane of Better Beer, which would be breweries without brewmasters. The Turnkey Brewpub concept has gained traction in California for none of the reasons that Jack McAuliffe started New Albion Brewing.