Monday morning and not much musing

The idea last January following a brief note about our travel plans for 2008 and 2009 was announce the blogging around here would be reduced. When I told Lew Bryson about this he laughed a might Brysonesque laugh, knowing full well how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut.

Well, the slowdown starts now. If you subscribe to Appellation Beer via an RSS feed please keep the subscription (what’s a subscription?), because that’s the best way to learn about new posts. I may even come up with a regular schedule (as much as you can predict on a trip that includes ferries in Alaska and Croatia in general) and there are bound to be bursts of activity (such as the upcoming Craft Brewers Conference). Or maybe I’ll take a Twitter approach.

For this morning, one more thought on the subject of writer as critic (or critic as writer or blogger as critic or whatever).

From Michael Jackson’s last column in All About Beer magazine, filed just before his death and published after it was possible to ask him to expound:

“Being a critic is one of the things I do for a living. Being a reporter is another. Is a reporter a fearless seeker-out of truth, neutral and objective? Or does he recruit those qualities in support of his personal passions? When I enlisted, at the age of sixteen, I may have been attracted by the powerful purity of the first role. In the event, I grew into the second.”

2 thoughts on “Monday morning and not much musing”

  1. “…I may have been attracted by the powerful purity of the first role. In the event, I grew into the second.”

    Didn’t Churchill say something similar about transforming from liberal to conservative as you age? 🙂

    Good Travels Stan!

  2. Give us the Croatian beer scoop, too. I’m dying to make it there if I can in hopes of seeing the town my great-grandfather came from, in addition to discovering good beer there. I may not be able to see either, though.


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