Beer Is The New Music. Lots of analogies to be made, like “The catch is that, like ‘indie music’, ‘craft beer’ can seem like an ambiguous term.”
Those who spent hours meticulously categorizing albums and reading music blogs will nod their heads at the hallmarks of the current craft beer craze: Obscurity and novelty are celebrated, the mainstream is mocked, and trends change regularly, with old tastes discarded and fresh genres added to the mix.
[Via PopMatters, one of my first reads each morning, and apparently Andrew Mason’s as well]
Announcement – The Session #84: “Alternative” Reviews. It might be interesting if everybody reviewed (or didn’t review) the exact same beer, but it also would be a little too much like a school assignment. [Via Literature & Libation]
Beer Geek Media Agenda for 2014. And best comment of the week: “If every blogger just posted that list, it would save everyone a lot of time.” [Via Boak & Baley’s Beer Blog; comment from Tyson]
Good Brewers Make A Brewery. “Can a small brewery lose three of their star brewers over a relatively short time and still be on top of their game? Chances are they can’t.” [Via Tandleman’s Beer Blog]
Why I Feel OK About Falling Off The Wagon After Years Of Sobriety. Pete Brown wrote about “Dry January” and Alan McLeod about “Why ‘Dry January’ Makes Sense.” And you have this: “Not drinking for two and a half years gave me the gift of never having to think about controlling myself. Starting again brought back the recurring epiphany that I need to be more present and aware in all my appetites.” [Via BuzzFeed]