Monday beer links: Influences, innovation & questions


Exhibit 1: Winemaker magazine, December 1971
[Via Boak & Bailey’s Beer Blog]
Flattery Will No Doubt Get You Any Number Of Places.
[Via A Good Beer Blog]
What did brewers know and when did they know it? How do you measure influence?

After High End Layoffs, AB InBev to “No Longer Focus on Brewery Acquisitions.”
[Via Paste]
“We continue to lurch forward into a new age of beer, wherein the complicated aspect of ownership and ‘independence’ will be a major point of debate and argument.” But will it change the beers themselves?

So you want to be a brewer? | Phil Lowry
[Via The Brewers Journal]
What the hell is he getting at?

A Hop-Filled Quest For The Perfect Beer.
Do Amarillo hops really give Goose Island Sofie its signature taste? (And don’t we usually talk about signature flavor?)

Is Vermont becoming the Napa Valley of beer?
[Via Washington Post]
Isn’t Colorado already the Napa Valley of beer?


This Is Your Brain on Wine.
[Via Wine Specator]
“Reading about this study, two thoughts come to my temporal lobes. First, lying in an MRI machine for 90 minutes while someone squirts wine into my mouth sounds like the world’s worst tasting-room experience. And second, why wine?” And third, why not beer?


Is the Great Chocolate Stagnation over?
[Via Marginal Revolution]
I have no further questions.


To circle back to the question of influence.

2 thoughts on “Monday beer links: Influences, innovation & questions”

  1. On taste vs flavour (sic). I tend to find myself consciously using “taste” rather than flavour when writing on the internet, just because I think it will be less jarring to US readers in the same way that eg Wikipedia uses the more universal “aircraft” versus aeroplane/airplane.

    Interesting that ABI reckon that they now have their brands, and they can get better value for money by rolling out what they’ve got. It was kinda inevitable (not least on competition grounds and seeing the push-back they’ve got from recent purchases) – and no doubt has got a lot of investors rethinking their exit routes from investments in small breweries.

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