Monday beer links direct from the Gulf of Mexico

Wood Foot Beer Co. in Fort Walton, Florida

The photo above was taken at Wood Foot Brewing in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. Yes, that’s a pickleball court with a fabulous mural in the background. On the lawn in front of the brewery patio a local Trad Jazz helps celebrate Mardi Grass a few days early. This is what works in 2025, at least when the beer is good.

Full disclosure. Last week, Vinepair posted a story about 20 Breweries to Watch in 2025, and I suggested Wood Foot. When Evan Rail asked me to contribute, I gave him a few choices and I mentioned I planned to visit here. I didn’t know it would turn out to be only a few days after the story posted.

Anyway, excellent band and beer. I don’t know how to rate pickleball courts, but I like the mural.

Today I’m off to to view the Gulf of Mexico from more angles, leaving behind a few links (and, for the most part, only the links).

The Session #144 recap (Another excellent turnout)
New Scientific Study Shows that Rats Can Effectively Blind Taste Wine (My favorite headline of the year to date)
Saying Farewell to Massachusetts’ Cambridge Brewing Company
I’m set to write a book about beer, or so this impending contract suggests (Buckle up)
The Joys of European Beer Travel
How a 150-year-old brand became the fastest growing beer for legal drinking-age Gen-Z (I have no words)

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