MONDAY BEER LINKS, MUSING 03.17.14On Beer Writing. Oh, geez, more about beer writing, and I’m quoted extensively. I should be, and am, embarrassed to start with this link, but I will any way. Miles Liebtag has something to say. I’ll even steal part of his conclusion: “Beer writing could do with more room for digression, in my opinion. Straightforwardness is overrated. Craft beer is not straightforward; it’s fraught with a lot of questions that can’t be answered in IBUs or with tasting notes.” [Via Beer Graphs]
– Announcement – The Session #86 – Beer Journalism. Heather Vandenengel picked this topic back in December, not knowing I’d be beating you over the head with it well in advance of April 4. [Via Beer Hobo]
– A Worldwide Network of Craft Brewers. They have a definition: Local. Independent. Creative. And some specific language about the first two. [Via @stringersbeer]
– Screwed Up Beer Week (vol 9) – Playing Nice With Bad Beer – Not This Guy! I overlooked still timely thoughts from Kevin Patterson last week hard to summarize but basically it’s about where craft, adjuncts and consistency do and do not interesect. [Via Lexington Beer Scene]
– Denver Post on Craft Beer Growth Ambitions. I guess if I can point to a post where I am quoted “beeronomist” Patrick Emerson can point to one where he is cited. He uses his post to repeat (and nothing wrong with that in making a point) this thought: “One of the things that fascinates me about the craft beer industry, however, is this constant tension between being cutting edge and innovative and scaling up. How cutting edge and innovative can you seem when your brand becomes part of the establishment.” [Via Beeronomics]
– Inside the Brewery at Bacchus – The Most Interesting Brewery in NY That You’ve Never Heard Of. Consider this: “Most people don’t care about the specifics of how the beer is made. Beer geeks do, but not the average drinker. Most people just care how it tastes. The fermentation process and yeast strains might not interest them, but once I start explaining the different flavors in the beer, the fruit and stuff, then they’re immediately interested.” So, return to what Miles Liebtag had so say, what should beer writers be writing about? [Via Bear Flavored]
The year’s topic so far has a worrying reliance on that word “should.” Best ust to be interesting. And to avoid using the idea of hosannas for anything given how it turned out the first time. Then again it might be particularly apt for where we are today.
Looks like someone went to UN summer camp.
D’ye not think that comes over a tiny bit patronising there, Rob?
“The Most Interesting Brewery in NY That You’ve Never Heard Of” happens to be in my town. And I didn’t hear that this bar/restaurant had begun to brew their own beer.
Thanks for the link Stan.