profiles beer journalist/blogger/author and retired librarian Lew Bryson, headlining it “Suds vs. duds.”
Quite honestly, not a lot you don’t already know if you are a regular at his blog.
But worth dropping by to see the Miller Lite ad at the top (be sure to pass your mouse over it) and attention Stonch Lew pictured with Leffe and Stella Artois taps.
I wonder what the connection is between librarians and beer. I and my co-workers are regulars at our local brewpub.
Miller Lite ad?
Oops. Sometimes you get a Miller Lite ad (mouse over and it tells you places to drink) and sometimes other ads.
Jeez, I never even thought about the online story…
Brendan: the first library job I ever had was at Fortress Monroe, working for the Army, and every Friday we headed for the bar at the Hotel Chamberlin on post, every single one of us, and 3/4 were drinking beer. Dunno what it is, but it’s for real. Except for my boss at the Ft. Knox Armor School Library, who was a Maker’s Mark drinker.
Stonch: we had a ton of pix with just me and a Young’s sign and a big glass of porter…and then the photographer saw those lighted taps and went ga-ga. Ah, well.