I’m going to Germany for Session #19

The SessionHow bad do I feel I’ve missed the last two rounds of The Session?

Jim has announced the theme for #19 is Deutsches Bier, and we’re going to Germany to be in place Sept. 5.

OK, to be honest, we’ll be at Legoland in Ulm. The short version of a long story: As part of our family adventure entering Week 12 everybody got to pick 10 places in Europe to visit. Sierra chose Legoland (and saved up to pay the admission price for all three of us).

But I bet I can find a beer to write about.

The Internet connection to post from? Another challenge altogether.


8 thoughts on “I’m going to Germany for Session #19”

  1. I think they have wireless internet in Europe now Stan. 😉

    Talk with Lew, he was blogging while last in the old country. Hope it’s nothing but fun!

  2. Stan, you’ll probably have more trouble *avoiding* wired connections.

    My husband is in rural Cambodia at the moment (okay, probably an oxymoron) and about the first thing he saw when he stepped out of the hotel was, you guessed it, an internet cafe. So we’re getting daily updates on his pilgrimages up and down Angkor Wat.

    By the way, I’ve truly enjoyed following your family’s “slow” traveling this summer.

  3. Maureen (and Steve),

    I’m sure connections to be found. But this goes back to when I was discussing the merits of blogging the trip and you (Maureen) urged us not to. We are, but blogging always takes a back seat to doing stuff.

    That could be the case in Ulm.

  4. “…but blogging always takes a back seat to doing stuff.”

    Who could expect anything less? After all, it is vacation!

    There’s always the info download time when you get back… when I can live vicariously through wonderful descriptions of precision brewed German beer!!

    Jealous? Me? 😉

  5. Ah, well, in THAT case:

    DON’T HUNT FOR A CONNECTION! I mean, I love following your travels, but I’m way more in favor of disconnecting.

    Surely the other annoying feature of modern traveling is the incessant photo-snapping. Earlier this summer, I spent a week hiking in Utah with my family. I think I was the only one in the family who heard the wind in the canyons or noticed cloud and terrain formations. My fellow travelers were too busy experience the moment through the lens of a camera.

    (Sidenote: my earlier comment contains an annoying mental lapse on my part: I typed “oxymoron” when what I mean was “redundancy.” I blame it on menopause, but maybe, ack!, it’s just the aging process….)

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