If you want to hear Lew Bryson laugh . . .

First the disclaimer. Lew Bryson is a friend. He didn’t send out a press release or otherwise suggest a blog post about “American Beer Blogger.” I post it here because next time I mention Lew’s laugh you’ll know what I’m talking about. Plus I have an observation.

The KickStarter information is here and Lew’s explanation is here.

I promise you that this is going to be the real thing, not infomercial, or silly-scripted, or “oh, look who I just happened upon today!” It’s going to be me, calling a brewer, or bar owner, or beer store owner/manager, and setting up a visit — just like I do all the time — going to their place and looking around and asking questions and tasting some beers and having some fun — like I always do. The only thing I may do differently is some of the stuff they had me doing in the teaser: actually working, if only for a little bit, because that’s fun, and it’s something I’d like to do anyway. But we’ll talk beer, we’ll get our facts straight, and it won’t be boring.

I’m pretty sure it will be more interesting than following me around.

The observation. Interesting that Green Leaf chose to call this “American Beer Blogger.” Does this mean being a beer blogger is cool?

15 thoughts on “If you want to hear Lew Bryson laugh . . .”

  1. Man, that video made me reminisce about home and Stoudt’s hardcore. Many a night we took the turnpike out to the brewery to have a few Pales and Scarlets.

  2. Does this mean being a beer blogger is cool?

    As a beer blogger myself, the answer is a resounding YES! (At least I am very, very cool, and if anyone out there thinks otherwise, it’s their problem, not mine)

  3. I’m cool. Don’t know about the rest of you losers.

    But seriously, I’m pretty sure being a blogger is not cool and I wonder whether some might flip right past that hypothetical show when they see that word in the title.

    Why not call it American Beer Writer? Too pretentious? At least it has the “Hang on, there are beer writers?” thing going for it.

    Regardless, I know Lew can pull it off.

  4. Thanks, Stan. It was suggested that I send out such a request to all the beer bloggers I know — “Please blog about this because it’s so cool!!!!” — but I passed. Okay, partly because I was really stinking busy, but partly because…well, that’s just not cool. I figured if people liked the idea, they’d say something. But I gotta say…it’s ALWAYS been interesting following you around!

    And I am NOT getting into the whole “American” discussion, not when there’s a Canadian in the mix!

  5. “…next time I mention Lew’s laugh you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

    Hah! I thought the same thing, and it seems to me that the producers are attempting to make it the show’s trademark! 😉

  6. I’m glad to see they picked Lew. I think his blog is one of the best in the US.

    But, cool? Since when did geeks become cool?

  7. Just when I thought I was all cool for expressing my aversion to “blogging,” along comes Lew who’s gonna try to make it look all cool and all….and all. Damn you, beer blogger, trying to ruin it for the rest of us 😉 ah well, it’s probably worth chipping in $5

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