Here’s a case where one dog hasn’t been paying enough attention to another beer loving dog.
UK upstart BrewDog’s “Beer Rocks – Brewing up a Revolution!” is worth a look, but the idea of brewing a “democratically designed” beer isn’t totally new.
Case in point. Flying Dog Brewery’s Open Source Beer Project.
Back to BrewDog. This is different than Open Source, Beer Rocks voting has begun, and you might decide the winner. So go click for Black IPA (OK, sorry for campaigning so close to the voting booth).
As a total aside, we saw BrewDog beers a couple of weeks ago in Rome and several months ago in Jasper, Alberta (as in Canada). The revolution seems to be pretty widespread.
I voted for the Black IPA. not because that’s my preference, but because I fear the dictatorial rule of Hieronymus the Cruel
BrewDog is in Georgia too.
Having had these guy’s stuff I’m hoping the Black IPA wins.
Thanks for casting that vote, Mario. Though I didn’t mean to scare you into it.
And thanks to everybody else who voted for the Black IPA. It won in the first round. I promise not to interfere in the process any more (I’ll be voting, but my vote remains private).