Hop updates 03.13.2024

2023 - Carbon footprint for various hop varieties.From Hopsteiner

– Hopsteiner has updated a list of the CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) of 34 hop cultivars it grows on its farms. Details at Hop Queries.

– The 2023 Hop Harvest Guide from BarthHaas is available for download. They will ask for your email address, but you can opt out of additional missives. The rose charts are a great way to visualize what you smell and taste. Not all your favorite varieties are included (Where’s the Chinook, the Motueka?), but when they are, the information about how the 2023 crop (for each cultivar) varied from a typical year is dang useful.

CY2023 Cascade aroma profile compared to an average yearFrom BarthHaas