England’s Franconia. Add Dudley and the Black Country to the list of must visit destinations in England. Next time somebody asks for an example of beer from a place I’m pointing to this URL.
[Via I Might Have a Glass of Beer]
Why Beer History? Tom Cizauskas turned his blog over to historian Maureen O’Prey for The Session (it was Friday; I lose blogging karma points because things were silent here). She sets the bar high, “As a historian, my mandate is to unearth the accounts of these brewers and share them with the world. Every brewer’s story should be documented, however grand, or seemingly inconsequential.”
[Via Yours for Good Fermentables]
The Art of Craft Beer. Who is Art Larrance (other than the buy who started the Oregon Brewers Festival)? A profile.
[Via Oregon Beer Growler]
Cal Poly Pomona to offer new beer brewing class, build microbrewery on campus. I’m passing this along mostly because I didn’t know that California was considering a “sip and spit” law that allows students younger than 21 to taste beer (and wine) when they take particular college course. But it also reminds me of a question that Dr. Michael Lewis (who started the brewing program at UC-Davis before Sierra Nevada Brewing was even open) asked at the Craft Brewers Conference: Who will be accrediting the institutions that are accrediting the brewers?
[Via San Gabriel Valley Tribune]
Anthony Bourdain’s Theory on the Foodie Revolution. What if you replaced the words food, cooking and eating with beer, brewing and drinking in the first paragraph? “It won’t be surprising if cultural historians look back on the first two decades of this century as The Era of Crazed Oral Gratification. I’m speaking of the fetishization of food, of cooking and eating, of watching other people cooking and eating, that has become omnipresent across all platforms, all media, all screens and all palates in our great nation.”
And that’s before Bourdain cuts loose.
[Via Smithsonian magazine]
That piece on the beers and pubs of Dudley was wonderful.
It must be stressed that the quote you pulled from the Bourdain interview was Ron Rosenbaum (who was known for hypervole when he wrote for Slate), not Bourdain! This is actually one of the few instances where the interviewer provided wilder quotes than Bourdain did! Bourdain sounded thoughtful and reasonable, and Rosenbaum kept making fun of foodie trends… Your point stands unchallenged, though! Save perhaps for the “…across all platforms, all media, all screens and all palates…” part!