Where in the beer world? 06.20.11

Where in the beer world?

Think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

Please leave your answer as a comment.

This is a really easy one. And I think there’s every chance I’ve posted this photo before. Maybe even in this category. But there’s a reason I wanted to post it (perhaps again). I’ll explain tomorrow.

Where in the beer world? 05.23.11

Where in the beer world?

I don’t really expect anybody to tell me where in the beer world this photo was taken, but it’s one of those things you see and you want other people to see as well.

First, “It’s not a Belgium.” Well, right. And it’s not Belgian either. Is that a good thing, a bad thing, or just a thing?

Second, “air fermented.” I thought I knew a little about brewing practices in Belgium, but this is a new one to me. Perhaps whoever scribbled the addition meant “open fermented.” Except, when I was at Sierra Nevada in early February I tasted several versions from a variety of different size conditioning tanks. Unfortunately, my notes are packed in a box that is one of a dozen marked “office.” But I sort of remember that not everything underwent primary fermentation in Sierra Nevada’s four open fermentation squares. I could be wrong. I’m used to that.

Anyway, as intriguing as it was to try one version with more banana notes, another richer with dark fruits, my favorite is the blend. The one in the bottles pictured above. A one-word tasting note, elegant.

Where in the beer world? 05.16.11

Where in the beer world?

Think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

Please leave your answer as a comment.

On the surface this might appear to be tough, so a hint. Hope it doesn’t make it too easy. The photo was taken in 1998 and several Great American Beer Festival gold medal winning beers were boiled in this kettle.