#22 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

Do you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

Leave your answer as a comment. And, as always, you are free to comment on the photo even if you don’t have an answer.

Sorry, no clue this week. Every clue I tried and then plugged into Google yielded the location way to easily.


#21 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

Do you think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken? Then leave a comment.

Other comments are welcome as well.

I don’t expect you to know where this table was, but there’s a good reason you should be able to name the country.

Or at least I thought so until I saw an interesting photo on another blog (to be revealed with the answer). That probably doesn’t qualify as a hint, so . . . a lucky search of the New York Times archives will get you on track.


#20 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

Do you think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken? Then please leave a comment.

When I started this feature I didn’t mean it to turn into a contest. I simply planned to post a photos I find interesting, sometimes to make a point. I didn’t necessarily expect readers to know where they were taken. But from the get-go you surprised me.

As a result I might have lost my way, trying to post images I figured somebody would know but ones that weren’t “too easy.”

This week we return to Plan A. Maybe you will know in an instant where this was taken. Maybe you will be a bit surprised when I tell you, and I sure hope you’ll find it interesting.


#19 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

Do you think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

I’m not asking for an exact location. Heck, at the time we snapped this I wasn’t totally sure of the name of the place.

But take a shot at the country and the city, think about what you know about pub culture, and leave a comment.

No hint this week. I thought that my hint last week that the “V” had double meaning would lead somebody to think of Vienna. Obviously I was wrong.


#18 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

Another hint, added Nov. 24: The picture was not taken in North America.

Do you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?

Go ahead, take a guess by leaving a comment.

This isn’t really a contest, but there will be prizes. Details when we return from Europe in December.

The weekly hint: You could argue the “V” has a double meaning.