I’m going to Germany for Session #19

The SessionHow bad do I feel I’ve missed the last two rounds of The Session?

Jim has announced the theme for #19 is Deutsches Bier, and we’re going to Germany to be in place Sept. 5.

OK, to be honest, we’ll be at Legoland in Ulm. The short version of a long story: As part of our family adventure entering Week 12 everybody got to pick 10 places in Europe to visit. Sierra chose Legoland (and saved up to pay the admission price for all three of us).

But I bet I can find a beer to write about.

The Internet connection to post from? Another challenge altogether.


Session #18 roundup posted

The SessionRay has posted the roundup for The Session #18: “Happy Anniversary.”

Nice turnout, although I must confess I was absent. We hiked up Mount Cadillac in Acadia National Park that day, saw nothing more than about 20 feet in front of us because of fog, got totally soaked (four days later and my boots are still drying) and had an absolutely terrific time.

I certainly would have liked to have participated. This is a wonderful year for beer anniversaries. Goose Island, Deschutes, Wynkoop, Great Lakes and Vermont Pub and Brewery are just a few marking two decades for brewing. Takes your breath away, doesn’t it?

I can tell you just where I was when I first (as well as second and third) had Goose Island Bourbon County Stout. Where I was when I tasted Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold, who I was talking to when I discovered Deschutes Black Butte Porter.

The Session: #17 rounded up, #18 announced

The SessionRob has posted the roundup for The Session #17, organizing the 28 posts into three categories: “those who thought the question was bollocks, those who thought the question was bollocks but figured cracking open a stout would appease the Session gods, and those who humored me by admitting a certain fondness for the unorthodox beer out of season.”

Not long until The Session #18, and Ray has picked “Happy Anniversary” as the topic.

Use this as an excuse to celebrate. Open a limited release anniversary beer from your favorite brewer. Enjoy that special beer you normally only open on your wedding anniversary or birthday. Either way, tell us about it. Why is it a beer you may only drink once a year? Why is that brewery’s annual release the one you selected?

All bloggers are welcome to join us. It’s easy. Post to the theme Aug. 1, then send Ray a note.

Don’t forget Session #17 on Friday

The SessionGreetings from Banff, where it is raining on Canada Day. Good enough weather this morning for pancakes in the park — two tasty pancakes (real maple syrup), a muffin, sausage and fruit juice for $3, perhaps the best food deal of our trip.

There will be no musing this week, but I wanted to remind everybody Friday marks the 17th gathering of The Session. Rob DeNunzio is hosting and the theme is “Drinking anti-seasonally.”

I don’t know if our travels will permit me to participate. (Aside to Mark: If it works to stop in Regina we will — not sure if I will be able to give you a heads up.) Anyway, The Session is open to any bloggers who want to participate. Just post to the theme and drop Rob a note.

The Session #17 announced: Bucking the season

The SessionRob DeNunzio has picked the theme for the 17th gathering of The Session: Drinking anti-seasonally.

He writes: “Think of this as the unorthodox cousin of such topics as ‘beer and food’ and ‘beer and music.’ Beer and weather, perhaps? More like beer despite the weather, I guess. Cracking open a Guinness on the beach, finishing a day of yardwork with a Speedway Stout, or whatever else you do that raises an eyebrow (again, beer-related, please), do us all a favor an take a few moments to share your non-conformist tale.”

I’m drinking Alaskan Stout as I type this which give the temperature (50F or so), constant clouds and occasional rains seems spot on for the season as it occurs in Juneau. On July 4, when The Session next arrives, we’ll be somewhere between Calgary and Winnipeg (a bit of space in there). So I’ll be drinking something we pick up between now and then. Don’t expect there will be any Alaskan Stout left.