Session #33: Some days you frame the beer

The SessionThis is my contribution to Session #33, and the theme is “framing beer.” Check out I’ll Have A Beer for an explanation and to see what other bloggers are writing.

It’s been a long, busy day and I’ve finally made it to a beer, Great Divide Hibernation, a beer I wrote about for Session #10. Just as good as it was two years ago. (A point of order: I’m drinking the 2009 vintage.)

Still lots of chocolate and spice early, with roasty character (both nuts and hints of coffee beans) on the nose and in the mouth. Caramel and dark fruits, also, their sweetness nicely balanced by an earthy/husky mouthfeel.

At this point in the day — which is already yesterday in the Eastern Time Zone — I have only one thought.

Some days you frame the beer. Some days the beer frames you.


Session reminder: ‘Framing beer’

The SessionSession #33 tomorrow, the theme being “Framing Beer.” Andy Couch has the explanation, because I’ll Have A Beer is the host.

I’m not sure about this part: “Ideally drink something that you don’t think you will like.”

And I’m also not sure if “framing beer” relates to the ongoing discussion about beer as art or the psychological implications of using the words “craft beer.” Actually, I am pretty sure about the latter. There’s a halo around “craft beer.”

How session participants address that could be pretty interesting.


Session #32 wrapped up, #33 announced

The SessionI plead work. Unfortunately I missed round 32 of The Session, but Girl Likes Beer has the roundup.

Meanwhile Andy Couch has announced the topic for No. 33 will be Framing Beer. The explanation is a little complicated, and you might want to read the whole thing, but here are a few of the options:

Relate an amusing or optimistic anecdote about introducing someone to strange beer. Comment on the role a label plays in framing a beer or share a label-approval related story. I have not done much blind tasting, and I would be intrigued to hear about this “frameless” evaluation of beer.

I hope to be there Nov. 6.


Session #31 wrapped up, #32 announced

The SessionBetterBeerBlog has the roundup for Session #31: “Best Summer Beer” and Girl Like Beer announced the topic of No. 32 (Oct. 2): Eastern Beers.

I would like you to pick your favorite beer made east form your hometown but east enough that it is already in a different country. It can be from the closest country or from the furthest. Explain why do you like this beer. What is the coolest stereotype associated with the country the beer comes from (of course according to you)? And one more thing. If you do a video or picture of the beer (not obligatory of course) try to include the flag of the country.

Given that all the world’s traditional brewing nations, as well as the Republic of Texas, lie east of New Mexico no way can I pick a single favorite but finding a good beer should be easy.


The Session #31: Summer beers

The SessionWhere did the summer go?

Another Session tomorrow (Friday) and the theme is “summer beers.” Peter Estanial, of the Better Beer Blog, plays host and has the details.

With the summer coming to a close, what was your favorite beer of the summer? It doesn’t even have to be from this summer. Is it a lager or maybe a light bodied wheat ale? Maybe you’re drinking anti-seasonally and are having a barleywine or Russian Imperial Stout. Why is this beer your favorite? Is there a particular memory associated with this beer? How about a city? Maybe there was a particular dish that made this beer memorable? Spare no detail.

This should be a popular one — I see readers already posting names of beers in Peter’s comments — although given my devotion to meeting deadlines I don’t know if I’ll be participating. I guarantee you that with the weather here in New Mexico still ticking well into the 80s (mid-20 C) I will be wishing I was drinking wheat beers as well as writing about them.