Based upon the turn out for The Session #49 it would appear regular beers still matter. So let’s get right to the links.
Best use of graphs
Five Hundred And One Beers. Or as the first comment notes, “Geekalicious.”
My favorite line
“Beer has long been a regulator in civilization and for that, we are grateful.” From Ramblings of a Beer Runner.
Closest to song
The Reluctant Scooper. Also the strongest statement about the relationship between beer, place and circumstance.
It wasn’t written for The Session, but could have been
From KC Beer Blog, because this sentence must tell us something about regular beers, “I’ll take American Pastoral over Moby Dick any day of the week.”
Regular beer? It’s sweet
Alan McLeod makes a case for sweet, “a quality that gets little respect these days.” And he knows how to close the deal. “There’s better and there’s worse but at the end of the day . . .”
světlý ležák
When Max signs off “Na Zdaví!” you just know he’s off to drink a beer you wish you could.
A screenplay
From Kaedrin Beer Blog.
A wish for irregular beer
Jeff Alworth asks, “Will pale lagers always be ‘regular,’ or will our consciousnesses expand such that some future generation has a broader definition?”
Giving the geek within a night off
Or why Mark Dredge promises to keep a regular beer beside the milk and ketchup in his fridge.
When the discussion turns to reg’lar beer
Flagon of Ale points out that light-lager drinkers don’t get to define regular beer.
‘Ein Bier, bitte”
Flinchbot on ordering beer in Germany: “There is no negotiating or asking what beers they have and if they have a beer similar to your favorite beer. It’s pretty simple. They only have 3 beers, end of discussion.”
What’s next?
Mario Rubio’s regular beer is the one he hasn’t tried.
A regular brewer remembered
Joe Stange reports of the passing of “Rupprecht Loeffler, venerable brewmaster of the Cervejaria Canoinhense, said to be Brazil’s oldest craft brewery. He was 93.” Is Canoinhense a regular beer, a relic, a beer that evolved over time?
Bring on the table beer
How Jay Brooks gets there is as important as the conclusion. Flaship beers and “your dad’s beer” included.
Yes, call it table beer
And Sean at Beer Search Party provides his own example, Mission Street Brown Ale (brewed by Firestone Walker).
The regular beer of the moment
Rich at Beer, Baseball, and Other Things Writes Moby D ” isn’t my first regular beer and it won’t be my last.”
The beer you drink ‘every night’
And, yes, Nevitt at Beering in Mind makes me want to try Yona Yona Ale on cask.
In Pennsylvania it’s not a “style” but one specific beer. Jay Zeis raises his glass to Yuengling.
Whither the Hooker?
It seems that during this exercise Tale of the Ale may have found a new favorite.
Honk if you love Cabot Clothbound
Dave Phillips gives us Goose Island Honkers Ale, then Cabot Clothbound Cheddar, then the two together.
Some times they sneak up on you
Thomas Vincent isn’t one to order the same beer twice in a row, but Big Boss’ Blanco Diablo became his “go to” beer without him noticing.
Make it an Ordinary
Troy at myBrewing figures, “Regular beer is better than craft beer when it’s homebrew.”
. . . and a regular spot
David at Musings Over a Pint picks a regular beer at a regular watering hole – Blue & Gray Falmouth American Pale Ale.
Homebrew a regular again
At Drinking Class, Jim Pavlik writes, “. . . homebrew is again what it used to be, regular beer, a beer that regular people drink fairly regularly.”
Hmmm, brown malt
When you’ve already written the regular pub beers in your neighborhood what’s left? The Beer Nut turns to homebrew. But he promises not to make brewing a regular feature. “It’d be like a cooking blog from the guy who just figured out the manual of his deep fat fryer.”
So where’s the problem?
In Edinburgh regular means Deuchars IPA, once the Champion Beer of Britain. Richard at the Beer Cast exlains why it is one that divides opinions.
Regular, but occasional
Bob at explains why a regular beer – in his case perhaps Marble Dobber or HardKnott Infra Red – might be the occasional beer.
His six packs are mixed
Don’t ask Ray at the Barley Blog to pick a regular beer? He doesn’t even have a regular style.
Each has its place
“. . . each time I go back I remember why they are regular beers.” – Gregg Irwin at A Beer on the Downs.
Once upon a Rolling Rock
Tom at what we’re drinking provides a list the illustrates how anybody’s personal regular beer can shift over time.
For when you aren’t a snob
At Bottle Chasers that beer is Guinness.
Regular, but works of art
Seth From My Mellin singles out Victory’s Headwaters Pale Ale and Blue Point Toasted Lager.
The beer with no name
John Hambrock at provides a description, but is keeping the name to himself.
When nobody is looking
A regular beer for one occassion might not be the regular beer for another. Bruce Ticknor, also from, explains.
And at this web address
Two non-bloggers had a bit to say so I published their posts here, from Jeffrey McElfresh and Bill Farr. Bill’s candid contents about the effects of alcohol sparked comments beyond this blog. And finally yes, was the last to post there was our family visit to Urban Chestnut Brewing in St. Louis.
The final word
Goes to Jon Abernathy at the Beer Site, who has probably made as many Sessions as anybody. “The reality is, it’s respecting the beer that’s offered to me. For instance, when we go to my parents’ house, nine times out of ten there is canned macro lager in the fridge: not because my Dad doesn’t like craft beer, but largely because the American lager is what he grew up with and often because it may be an affordability issue. I respect that, and I’m happy to drink the beer that’s offered. It’s the Regular Beer I unreservedly drink when I’m at my parents’.”
Alan McLeod at A Good Beer Blog will host the next Session on April 1. Now there’s something to think about.