Is Craft Beer Still Too White?
[Via Vinepair]
Addressing Diversity in Beer: A Q&A with Julia Herz.
[Via This Is Why I Am Drunk]
Addressing Diversity in Beer: Seeking Action.
[Via This Is Why I’m Drunk]
Opinions about this filled my Twitter feed last week. Among suggestions was one that the Brewers Association provide scholarships to people who are not white males to attending brewing school. Nothing wrong with that idea. But the Brewers Association is, well, an association of brewing companies. One of the reasons that there are more local breweries is that they are part of communities, regularly making connections with people in those communities. Shouldn’t they reflect the, and pardon me for using this word, demographics of that community? Shouldn’t the members be allowed to hold them responsible to do that?
Hello From The Blog’s Back End – And The Road …
Alan McLeod nicely summarizes the phases beer blogging has been through, easier for him to do than most because he was there at the beginning. [Via A Good Beer Blog]