Monday’s post about wine prices and perception caused Josh Mishell of Flying Dog Ales and to drop me a note about an episode of Penn & Teller’s Bullshit! (Showtime) featuring a “water steward” hawking high-priced bottled water in bottles being filled from a garden hose out back.
Thanks, Josh.
Took all of 15 seconds to find it on YouTube.
The “beer steward” stuff starts about two minutes in.
So now we know beer drinkers are smarter than wine drinkers and water drinkers.
Stan, that’s one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while. NPR did a story like that, but much more PC, a while back. However, they had a bottle of water sold in Hollywood for $55 per bottle and put it up against drinking fountain water at Central Park – the results were the same, people didn’t know what the difference was.
I will say this. I was at a Sacramento Kings game several years ago, and the $9 glass of Bud was exception – super hoppy, with intense malty sweetness. Too bad they can’t make a beer like that in six-packs.
Stan, that was pretty dang funny! Thanks! Someone mentioned to me that to place bottled water in stores, “slotting fees” must be paid whereas “slotting fees” are not allowed to be charged for alcoholic beverages. Is this true?
Last time I looked slotting fees were still illegal for alcoholic beverages in grocery stores, but they are legal for grocery products.