Because the topic of beer marketing pops up here from time to time, and because my obviously too subtle effort to provoke comment on Miller’s World Beer Cup commercial fell flat I’ll quietly pass along information about a contest Port Brewing/The Lost Abbey is holding. Basically, they plan to film a commercial, are inviting suggestions, and are giving away a trip for two to San Diego.
Here are the details (exclamation points and all):
“In early 2012 we’ll be filming our first broadcast-ready commercial, and we’re looking to our Faithful Followers to tell us how they’d introduce our brewery and its products to those who’ve yet to be enlightened. To help stimulate everyone’s creativity we’re holding a competition all December long for the best commercial concept! Judged by our in-house Conclave, three winners will receive Port Brewing and The Lost Abbey merchandise and wearbles. And our Grand Prize winner will becoming to San Diego!”
Chances are that even though San Diego hosts the World Beer Cup in 2012 the crew at Port/Lost Abbey isn’t looking for something like this:
I don’t know what the narrative for a Port/Lost Abbey ad should be, but they should definitely do a better Wes Anderson rip-off than Miller. Of course, I’m really drawn to that aesthetic.
Free brewery merchandise? Yes, it’s a LOT cheaper than hiring a professional ad agency, but what ever happened to the old saying: “You get what you pay for”?
‘Faithful Followers’? Sycophantic fanboys?
1979 Pabst Blue Ribbon commercial starring Patrick Swayze:
best beer ad ever (thanks Squatters Pub for pointing it out to me)…