Assorted beer links 11.13.13

Those who follow me on Twitter or Facebook know last week I was in Argentina, a guest of Asociación Civil Somos Cerveceros. I’ll get around to describing some of the interesting things I saw . . . eventually. Meanwhile, a few links I saved during the course of catching up.

1, & 2. An economist looks at the definition of “craft beer” and adds useful perspective. But speaking of perspective, Ed Wray (@TheBeerFather) finds away for us to smile while listening to The Conversation That Will Not Die:

“Craft beer is … about the flavour. And that flavour is grapefruit. No need to worry about share transactions or production figures, just have a swig and ask yourself ‘can I taste grapefruit?’ If you can it’s craft, if you can’t it isn’t.” This will allow for discussions that address important questions, like “is this beer still grapefruity since the brewery’s been taken over?”

3. The Most Popular Beer In Each State Of The USA – Listed! [Via @draftmag] Hopapalooza IPA from Big Shoulders Beer Company in Illinois … Really?

4. The Shape of A Beer Style. From Beer Graphs, which has tossed out a variety of ideas I’m still trying to get my head around.

5. Christine Celis reclaims the family business. [Via the Austin Chronicle.]

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