1. Finally. A beer definition worth fighting for. [Rob Fullmer, Beer PHXation]
2. Boulevard & Duvel-Moortgat: Q&A with brewer Jeremy Danner. [KC Beer Blog]
3. How much do wine writers earn writing about wine? [VINOGRAPHY: a wine blog]
4. Big beer brewers seek ‘craft’ cred. [Washington Post]
5. South Africans acquire taste for craft beers. [Voice of America] Which means, of course, they can look forward to long, boring debates about the definition of “craft beer.”
Hey! You’ve taken part in such debates! It was your responsibility not to make them boring! 🙂
A fair point, Bill. I should have chosen my words better. The debates aren’t boring until they become repetitive. They are new in many parts of the world, and new to the bunch o’ drinkers here.
“The debates aren’t boring until they become repetitive.”
You been lurking at BA again? 😀
I’m with you on the definition of craft beer debate. Getting a little annoying. It also seems like every year there is a big debate in “craft” beer. Black IPA vs. Cascadian Dark Ale. Lambic vs. “Sour” / “Wild” Etc.
The only debate we should be having is what beer goes into my empty glass next!