Abbreviated Monday beer links


Happy President’s Day. We left town early for a long weekend, but here are a few stories I saved earlier. I might get around to commenting on them, well, eventually.

The Reality of Being a Woman in the Beer Industry.
This is the “if you read only one story read this one” pick of the week. [Via All About Beer]

What Will Drive Beer in 2025? (Hint: Not Beer).
The “flawed” post of the day before is also worth your time. [Via Beervana]

Coffee beer 2.0: Brewers get serious about sourcing, treatment of beans.
“And it’s not just where the beans come from or how they’re roasted—the method by which a brewer brews, steeps or infuses a beer with beans changes its ultimate flavor profile. As a recent spat of brewer/roaster collaborations illuminates, carefully sourced and selected beans are the next frontier.” This would be more exciting if I liked coffee-flavored beers. [Via DRAFT]

The Beer Hot Stove: The Role of Rumors in Beer Media.
“Don’t worry about the reports of something that might happen. Read the analysis of the thing once it does happen. That’s where the heavy thinking is happening.” [Via BeerGraphs]

Beer’s incessant infighting only serves to hurt the industry.
“At the end of the day, it’s all beer. And if anyone could hold their temper long enough to stop insulting one another and start making it easier for drinkers in all states to enjoy what they’re brewing, they just might help everybody enjoy a beer the way Peyton Manning’s enjoying his Budweisers this week.” Sorry, I just ruined the ending. (And I apologize to linking to a story in which I appear.) [Via MarketWatch]

And from Twitter, a story idea

1 thought on “Abbreviated Monday beer links”

  1. For an area of pop culture the is so larded with unsubstantiated speculation and myth-making as well as unspoken rules about what one can’t write even with the facts laying on the table, the whole Cigar City rumour stuff was just bad farce. Reporting on a rumour as a rumour is just reporting on the fact that the rumour exists. It’s not much of a story given its just a rumour but it’s not a falsehood.

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