A word you won’t hear (or read) from me


10 thoughts on “A word you won’t hear (or read) from me”

  1. Which synonym do you use?


    Not sure some of those are real words, though…

  2. I think there is an onomatopoeic aspect to “quaff” as I think that is the sound that beer makes passing between and below the ears.

  3. I’m sure it hasn’t escaped you, Stan, that in writing that we will not read that word from you, we just read that word from you.

    I quite like the word, actually.To me, it conveys something quite different than the hated “drinkable” in that I find joy in “quaff.”

  4. It’s nice to know a one-word post can start a conversation.

    And totally inspire Lisa Morrison: Stan’s Dirty 9-Letter Word.

    Mr. B rightfully points out that once I typed it you did read the word from me. I should have stuck with “hear.” Because that’s what I actually meant. I was provoked by the fact the word seems to be suddenly prominent in so many press releases I’ve read.

    I said to my wife, “There’s a word I never say.”

    That’s it. I don’t hate the word. I just don’t use it. And I don’t plan to start using it. Except at least once Thursday while I am judging the second round of the National Homebrew Conference in Minneapolis. Some entrant is going to get a scoresheet back that remarks on his or her being “quaffable.”

    It will be a compliment. And now I’ve typed it twice.

  5. … except “lawnmower-able” sounds like you’d rather run it over with some sharp, whirring blades than drink it.

    Hmm … come to think of it, that’s not a bad description for some beers!

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