Think you know where in the beer world this photo was taken?
Please leave you answer as a comment.
This is what happens when you have two guys with cameras in a place that serves beer. Yes, the photographer is using the glass as a tripod.
I figure there’s a good chance somebody can name the city; the spot may be a little tougher. The second photo, of my beer, provides a tiny hint.
A couple of days and no guesses. Methinks a hint might be in order.
OK, a hint. Esquire likes it.
And Matt was sort of onto something by suggesting Toronado.
I guess I’ll go with Zeitgeist then.
I wanna know what the tiny hint is in the photo of Stan’s beer — the salt shaker? 😉
The hints are the wooden table (granted, hardly narrows it down) and the skylight reflected in the beer.
This is the video the geek with the beard was taking:
Maybe that will help.
Is the “geek’s” name Jeff? 😉
Yep, and the guy quoted here.
The bar is Alembic in San Francisco.