The best of beer times (again)

Given that we live in the most fantabulous time ever for beer in America, thought this might add a little perspective. Focus on the content rather than the writing style:

Statistical data show at a glance a progress in this branch of industry within a brief period, and especially in the United States, which is almost fabulous. Greatly prostrated not more than a quarter of a century ago, this interest has now become one of the leading ones, and in every respect deserves great consideration.

When was this written?

Take a guess before you peek.

It was taken from the Publishers Preface to Theory and Practice of the Preparation of Malt and the Fabrication of Beer, an English translation of a German text on brewing, somewhat modified in 1882 for American brewers.

The thought probably didn’t occur to those involved that American beer would once again be “greatly prostrated.”

4 thoughts on “The best of beer times (again)”

  1. Really makes you wonder how things would have been. Though to be honest, without Prohibition providing a clean slate, the industry could not be as progressive and inventive as it is now.

  2. Wow… I’m going through the table of contents and this monster book seems to have some crazy information… the smoking of hops with sulphur?… I didn’t even know that was possible…

    Hmmm… I’ll be adding it to my wish list…

    Thanks for putting this out there…

  3. Thanks for the suggestion, Stan. Going to need some leisure reading (to along with the leisure drinking, eating, lounging, etc that I have planned for break).

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