Because I was immersed in the insular world that surrounds the Great American Beer Festival I did not participate in The Session #92: “I Made This.” But I thought about the topic several times, like when Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper addressing brewers before awards were handed out Saturday said that he had begun homebrewing in 1971. The GABF has become crazy big. It will be even bigger next year, as in 90,000 square feet bigger (how many more breweries might be pouring beer hasn’t been determined). It’s easy to get lost in the forest of beers, but in the midst of this madding crowd there were still plenty of people who spoke with pride about what they’d made. That’s why I keep going back. Anyway, if you are looking for beery links, start at Pintwell.
Young Drinkers Have Abandoned Big Beer – Can It Be Saved? A report from the National Beer Wholesalers Association annual convention in New Orleans, which plenty of brewery representatives at the GABF attended just before heading to Denver. I’m skeptical about this “product life cycle theory” (or maybe it is an example of what happens when a brewery starts making products instead of beers). And isn’t it time to quit saying “not your father’s beer”? Mothers drink too.
[Via Advertising Age]
Multivariate Beer. Using beer to understand data. It’s a little complicated, but in the resulting recipes “More hop aroma represents higher employment.”
[Via FlowingData]
German Pilsner. Ron Pattinson digs into the history books to examine how/when “pilsner” came to describe something other than a Bohemian-Austrian beer.
[Via Shut Up About Barclay Perkins]
Beer and environmental policy entwined. A report from a second-year student of the Bard Center for Environmental Policy interning with Sun King Brewing in Indianapolis.
[Via Poughkeepsie Journal]
Want to Find Out Where Your Fruit Was Grown? Good Luck. It isn’t news that “Big Ag” considers the path from field to supermarket a trade secret. You better believe that the largest breweries in the world know all the origins of their raw ingredients. That’s been less true of smaller breweries. But little things can be important – like how many times and with what insecticides a particular hop field was sprayed.
[Via Mother Jones]
North American Guild of Beer Writers online magazine winners.
The NAGBW writing contest winners were announced at a small gathering Friday in Denver. A complete list should be posted soon at the guild website. Meanwhile, here are links to the online magazine winning stories because I guess this should be obvious they are online.
1. The Death of Hunahpu’s Day, by Gerard Walen (All About Beer Magazine)
2. Headbangers Brew: A History of Heavy Metal and Craft Beer Collaborations, by Austin L. Ray (First We Feast)
3. A Brief History of Sour Beer, by Christian DeBenedetti (New Yorker)
The multivariate beer concept is interesting. I think the parameters would need to be ironed out more, but there’s some potential there. I’m going to send it to the Beergraphs guys and see what they think.
Great idea. Wish I’d thought of it.
Historically beer brands have had life cycles, but it hasn’t been driven by beer drinkers except in one era. It’s driven by brand managers who fail to recognize that beer drinkers are changing and so they stick with old strategies long after they’re no longer relevant. In that sense, Tom Long is right. On the other hand, young Baby Boomers did reject beers they associated with their fathers, because they rejected everything associated with their fathers. Boomers are also often guilty of assuming that their attitudes and values must be everyone’s attitudes and values, and so today’s Boomer beer industry observers assume Millennials are rejecting “their father’s beer.” Millennials are rejecting beer brands that embrace values they don’t identify with. (Note: I’m a Boomer, and my criticisms of my generation are offered with nothing but fondness.)