#11 – Where in the beer world?

Where in the beer world?

OK, you should already know how this works (I’m lining up more fabulous prizes, but short time to chat about them).

If you know where in the beer world this photo was taken please leave a comment. Or feel free just to comment on the photo even if you don’t have a clue where it was snapped.

A clue? We’re not in Yakima any more, Toto.


8 thoughts on “#11 – Where in the beer world?”

  1. I’m quite certain that sign translates to Hallertau Land where all German children dream of traveling on holiday. Where dreams become a reality and little men in hop-like suits dance around the streets in a parade three times per day. Ahh…. Hallertau land…..some day kids, some day.

  2. This is odd. I was just this morning working on a post about hops. Here in the great NW, we’re hop crazy right now as dozens of fresh-hop beers are just hitting the market. So I wrote this: “The first hops were cultivated domestically in Germany in the 8th century near Hallertau.”

    I don’t know if this sign has anything to do with the location of those first hop fields (I’ve never been to Germany), but the resonance is there.

  3. I’m guessing this actually is a trick question, and it’s not Hallertau. The “Laan” looks a bit Dutch / Belgian to me. So what the hell, I’ll go for Poperinge too.

  4. Yep, it is Poperinge.

    Right around the corner are Saazlaan and Eastkentlaan.

    I’m surprised nobody picked up on the mini hop poles in the background.

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