What if Michael Jackson blogged?

What if he tweeted? We’re not really going to spend much time talking about that Saturday in Lexington, but if everybody else has put as much thought into the process as Roger Baylor it’s going to be very interesting.

First, here is the schedule for “Craft Writing: Beer, The Digital, and Craft Culture.”

“What if Michael Jackson Blogged? Communicating About Beer in the 21st century”

Introduction: Kevin Patterson, The Beer Trappe
Stan Hieronymus: “So You Want to be a Beer Writer”
Julie Johnson: “When Your Beer News Arrived by Mail”
Teri Fahrendorf: “Creating a Community Out of Thin Air”

“Beer Knowledge”

Introduction: Daniel Harrison, Country Boy Brewing
Roger Baylor: “Everything You Know is Wrong”
Jeremy Cowan: “Founder and Owner of Shmaltz Brewing Company”
Mitch Steele: “The Top Ten Surprises From Researching Historical IPA Brewing”


Introduction: Gary Spedding, Brewing and Distilling Analytical Services
Garrett Oliver: “Beer is People”

I will focus on writing about beer as an act of journalism. And as journalist one way to signal I am an unbiased observer is to refer to participants by their last name. However, in the runup to this event Baylor posted a thought provoking piece titled “Conformity, contrarianism and a craft writing symposium.” It was way too Roger to write anything other than go read what Roger has to say.

Craft beer is a state of mind … but whose? I have a slew of opinions about this, as rooted in a system of ideas, and I’m capable of sharing them in writing. What always can be counted upon to annoy me to the point of active resentment is when justifiable enthusiasm becomes irrational exuberance, then is enumerated and rendered doctrinal, after which perfectly sensible persons began advising against challenging the new prevailing orthodoxy – for instance, the familiar admonition against brewers even speaking aloud about a potential craft beer bubble, lest doing so might instigate a loss of faith, and the popping of a bubble that the very same commentators deny exists in the first place.

And then he moved on to Socrates.

15 thoughts on “What if Michael Jackson blogged?”

  1. “Roger Baylor: ‘Everything You Know is Wrong’”

    Everything?! Yike. 😉

    “Mitch Steele: ‘The Top Ten Surprises From Researching Historical IPA Brewing’”

    Love to see highlights of that session.

  2. Well you know he did blog essentially, via the articles he wrote monthly for brewspapers, the magazine All About Beer, What’s Brewing from CAMRA (until he fell out with them and stopped), his other journalism, and his answers to questions sent to his website postings. It was the blogging of the time, covering topical, or other, matters he was concerned with. Nothing has changed. Everything we are is from him…


  3. The day was great all around. Mitch we did miss you but you showed your character by staying home to attend to important family matters. And we all worried about weather issues! And for those interested in what he would have spoken about he has written one of the best books ever on a beer style – the topic of IPA (see Brewers Publications). Thanks to all who attended and to UK and its sponsors for a truly spectacular 1 day symposium.

  4. Any chance your presentation from the symposium is available? Thought you mentioned something about uploading it to your site during the talk. Thanks in advance for the link. Cheers.

  5. Stan, that’s a fantastic synopsis of the weekend, and we were all both stimulated and jabbed a little at the remarks of Roger Baylor. But it was a sincere pleasure to talk with you at length in The Beer Trappe and to introduce you, Julie and Teri. A great time that I won’t soon forget. We’ll get Mitch next time, I hope! Thank you for your time and efforts in the symposium.

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